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Everything posted by TaylorRhea

  1. These tiny green balls have started becoming a nuisance in my tank and I can’t figure out what they are. My first thought was duckweed starting to sprout but they do not seem to grow past these little balls. The only floating plant I have is dwarf water lettuce but also have planted varieties of Anubias, dwarf sag, hydrocotyle, and Java fern. Apart from my general curiosity, my fish do occasionally try to eat them so I would like to make sure they’re not harmful to my community tank. Thanks for some insight!
  2. I just noticed these thicker/blackish/stringy growths on my Java fern. I’m having some trouble identifying it. Is anyone familiar? And familiar with a way to get rid of it?
  3. I started a round of quarantine with a new set of neon tetras and a hillstream loach on Thursday 5/20. Everything seemed fine and now within the last twenty four hours they have all died. I finished a round of quarantine with different fish a week prior. Had cleaned the tank, filter, and heater with a 1:10 water to bleach ratio. Everything was rinsed multiple times, and fully dried between quarantines. Did I do something noticeably wrong??? Or is there a better way to sanitize? Any help would be great I’m so devastated.
  4. Hey guys I’m getting into fish keeping again after quite a few years and I’m going to be putting my new fish through quarantine. I’ve gotten the concept down but can anyone tell me a good way to sanitize my quarantine tank/equipment between fish? Also, what’s a good way of moving fish after quarantine to their real tank. I guess I’m mostly concerned about the potential of cross contamination in that way. Thanks!
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