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  1. I’ve been keeping planted aquariums for 19 years and I always have used NilocG’s all in one liquid fertilizer called Thrive. They make different versions of it. If you have a low tech tank, they have a version for that. If you have shrimp they make one that is safe for them. They even make one version of it if your pH is 7.0 or below that. I used the regular one and my plants love it. I have always enjoyed how my plants stay healthy and lush with it. You do have to follow the water change instructions for it to the letter of the law; because of all the extra nutrients you’ll be introducing into your water column. Here is a picture of my current 75 gallon tank. I went with a dirted tank this time and so far I love it. Tank has been up and running since last July. The only thing I would add to my substrate mix would be some laterite. I have a lot of swords in the tank; and they tend to be extremely heavy root feeders. The laterite is rich in iron which is ideal for the sword plants. Hope this helps and also, if you need root tabs they make Thrive root tabs which is what I use for my sword plants. Respectfully, Vader72
  2. Good Evening Johannes, I had this same issue not that long ago in my tank. I bought some plants from a LFS (Local Fish Store) and they were contaminated with very small amounts of Cyanobacteria. I used a product called Blue-Green Slime Stain Remover which I bought through Amazon. It work great. Within 24 hours of me adding it into the tank all the Cyanobacteria was DEAD. The only thing the product does strongly recommend is to increase your oxygen concentration within your water column while using this product. I would strongly recommend the product. Does not affect your pH or your fish for that matter. It is also gentle on the other plants. But not to the Cyanobacteria. It eradicates it completely. Respectfully, Vader72.
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