I have a 100 watt heater in a 55 gallon tank and have it on an energy monitor. I was looking at the stats from the monitor the other day, and it has always bugged me how many times a day it comes on.
Stats for last month are.
Times on averaged 176 times per day
Run time 7.4 hours per day
Watts 0.8 kw per day
I have noticed every heater I have had works similar to this one. I also have my heaters on a smart plug so if the monitor catches it on for to long I can turn it off from anywhere it and then figure out if it is broken.
Cory has said in past live streams that what kills heaters the most is the on off cycle. So I was thinking of using the smart plug to limit when it can come on. I made a schedule for it to come on for only 25 minutes every 2 hours. Today was the first full day of trying this and the stats are.
19 times on
Run time 2h 3m
And .2kw used
I also tried to keep an eye on the temp and I run my tank at 77 degrees and the lowest I saw it get was 75 degrees. I have no idea if this is going to help the live of my heaters, but based on stats for one day the energy savings is about $22 per year. I know the savings are not huge for 1 tank, but for people like my dad who has 18 tanks it adds up.
Has anyone else tried something like this?