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  1. I'm looking to place a order of plants for my 2 40 gallon tanks. If the plants arrive before my substrate/hardscape can I store them somehow? I got a 20 tall running atm with two Angel's in it toss the plants in there? Thanks.
  2. I have two new 40 breeders and plan on planting them with low to medium light plants. My first question is are the Finnex Stingray a good light for that or is there another comparable light near the same price point? I have always used HOB filters in the past how many gallons per hour am I going to need circulating for a 40 gallon? Also any suggestion on model of HOB? Last of all will a 200w heater be sufficient? Appreciate any input and look forward to being a part of this forum. Cheers !
  3. Greetings !! Joe here from Salt Lake City. Getting back into the fish hobby after years of not having the space. Starting up a couple 40 gallon planted tanks with my wife.
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