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Posts posted by FishGuy123

  1. Hey Cory, thanks for the advise, I just have a few follow up questions.

    I can only find the saltwater version of Ich-X in Canada, but I have another Ich med that is 0.05% Malachite Green and 0.5% Salt, would that help at all?

    I managed to find some Maracyn on eBay but it won't arrive for 2-4 weeks if at all. Do you know of anything available in Canada that could help in the meantime? 

    I also have some Melafix and enough General Cure left to dose my tank once

    Thanks again, I've learned tons from your videos and live streams. 

  2. There is something that looks like white fungus developing on my tetras, one has already passed away. Does anyone know what this could be or how I could treat it? I live in Canada so getting meds is difficult. 


    My water parameters:

    Ammonia: 0

    Nitrites: 0

    Nitrates: < 20

    pH: 6.5





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