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a date with nature

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  1. how much R.O. water should i dose to counter that? do you know how much it raises it roughly?
  2. Ya there was supposed to be a pic. Hopefully it works this time. Quality isn't the best cause they are so skidish but if need be i can get a better one.
  3. Just noticed today is it ick? The tank has a power head providing medium flow. Temp is around 75f. Nitrates 0 nitrites 0 ammonia 0 Buffer300 Hardness around 400 P.H. between 7.2 and 7.6 Yes my water is very hard, i have never had a problem with it, i have rams in water that is slightly harder right now. The tank has wood in it if that matters.
  4. So i recently got a linear piston air pump from my grandpa. finally got it hooked up to all the sponges today and turned it on. At first, it works perfectly, i even had to open a few bleed offs. i come back ten or so minutes later and all of them have lost a significant amount of pressure, a few of them had even stopped completely. I checked the taps, all of them were on full blast. I checked all the joints in my pvc, the hose from the pump to pvc, etc. I felt the pump and it was pretty warm, but not burning me by any means. I turned the pump off and then back on about ten minutes later, and the exact same thing happened, I'm thinking it has something to do with it's warming up. But i thought that was something it was expected to do? What am i supposed to do? any suggestions?
  5. sorry just saw the responses. i give em a good look every day and i just noticed it today. will get pics one sec
  6. one of my neon tetras has a white blister lookin thing on its upper lip. Is this a disease or maybe something else? If it is a disease what is it and how to treat?
  7. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3614079 This makes me slightly mad, seeing as i gave up on trying to find a good overflow system and built a fish rack without them. But the fact that this has flown under the radar is unacceptable to me. Here is a youtube vid that also covers it.
  8. I would like to find lids for medium sized aquariums that sit the long way so that it can be functional in my breeding rack. Any ideas? I would prefer not to make them myself cause those usually look trashy even wehn other ytrs do it. In the videos of deans fish room he has lids like this that look as if they were bought from a store. Anyone know where i can get those from?
  9. Would rootless plants like mosses work? I just want everything to be easily accessible.
  10. It's a rack, so the spots where lights are going to be mounted are about 7 inches from water surface. I was just referencing the sq footage so people wouldn't recommend one light thats sixty bucks. the shelves are 2' by 6' if that helps and there are three of them
  11. SO i know people usually just go for like shoplights or something similar, but the all the ones i'm finding are like 2200 lumens? Ihave a feeling that that probably wouldn't be healthy for the fish and could cause stress but i also dont know how lumens work or if the fish would actually care. asking for advice from the people who have experience before i make dumb choices. I just need lighting thats bright enough to see all the fishes colors no plants. looking for something around 60 bucks or less to cover an area of about 36sq ft. tanks are 17 inches deep
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