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  1. Thanks for the response! Here are pictures of two tetras. One has the white spot near the tail fin, another near the top fin. These don't seem like the same location they were before. I do know the angelfish always used to get white "pimples," which sort of look like this. They were bigger and more raised than ich spots, they went away within a a few hours to a few days or weeks. It seemed like a skin condition of some sort, perhaps brought on by stress but I determined it was probably nothing serious. I did a salt dip with him one time and that seemed to clear it right up. However, I've never seen it on any other fish till now, when I have several of these spots showing up at once on multiple fish. And some of the spots do appear smaller than others, more ich-like. Also with plants and snails, I'm sort of hesitant to use salt in the main tank. I may try calling a few more stores tomorrow and see what's available, otherwise, I may try ordering something online and hope for quick delivery.
  2. Hello! Two days ago, my electric blue acara developed three or four small white spots. Three of my tetras also had one or two white spots show up. I slowly cranked my temperature to 86° F, hoping to kill the ich. The next day, the spots were gone. Then, the day after, three tetras again have a small white spot or two. My angelfish also had a small spot show up, but it's now gone. Does this mean the heat treatment is not working, if the spots reappeared on the tetras and also showed up on the angelfish? Should I wait and see if they disappear again before assuming it isn't working? I'm considering trying Ich-X in combination with the heat, but nowhere near me sells it, so I'll have to order it online and wait a few days for arrival. Also, should I consider that it isn't ich at all? Some of the spots honestly seem slightly large and raised compared to the characteristic grains of salt, but then I've never had ich before for comparison. And the majority of fish haven't had any spots or symptoms, only these few. From what I've read, ich tends to spread quickly and aggressively. I have noticed a little bit of flashing from the infected acara and also my pleco, who seem to be acting slightly strange, but that could also be due to the heat, and also could be symptomatic of other ailments. They are otherwise eating and active like normal. Here are more details 60 gallon planted tank with one angelfish, one electric blue acara, one firemouth, one snowball pleco, 12 black skirt tetras, 11 glowlight tetras, and several nerite snails. pH: 6.8. Ammonia: 0. Nitrites: 0. Nitrates: 20-30 ppm. Temperature: Normally 78-79° F, currently 86-87° F. GH: 4. KH: 0.
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