@mountaintoppufferkeeper @eatyourpeas @Jennifer V
thanks for the help. Unfortunately, they are very picky eaters. I don't have a source of live daphnia and they are not interested in baby brine shrimp. They get mostly live black worms. I have a small culture of mosquito larvae that I feed along with small snails. I know I have a couple of males in the tank, but I have not scene any courting behavior. Looks like I will wait it out and see what happens.
Big water changes and lots of live foods will help. I had a grow out tank with 30-40 juvenile kribs and two fell in love, which wasn't part of the plan. 😳
Be patient....
Good luck!
Has anyone scene this in a pea puffer? I thought it might be an internal parasite. I 've had the puffer for about 1 year. I noticed the deformity about 2 months ago. It's seems to be getting worse. I've treated the tank with the coop med trio, waited a couple of weeks, then treated with P-Expel, with no change. I think it might be some type of tumor. There is no change in it's behavior, it continues to eat good and act normal. The other two puffers seems to be fine. Water parameters are good w/H20 changes every two weeks.
Bbs won't live past day three. I have a 10 gal tank filled to about 6 gal. I use conditioned tap water with marine grade salt (1.022-1.026). Temp is 79. The tank has a small sponge filter and second air line, both gently bubbling. I use a Ziss hatchery and transfer a small amount of bbs to the grow out tank. I feed the bbs 2 days after hatching. I have tried several methods of feeding spirulina powder. I've dusted the surface and premixed it with conditioned water and dripped it in. I have tried half a dozen times, raising and lowering the salinity, and increasing and decreasing the amount food. All with the same results. Any ideas?
Anyone know how to eliminate pond nymphs? I’m in SoCal and have an 80 gal pond. My white clouds were breeding like crazy, fry everywhere, then fish started disappearing. I found some nymphs and removed them by hand. I saw a video by Rachel O’Leary where she used Microlift for lice and anchor worms, which apparently interrupts the molting process. After two doses I’m still finding nymphs. Any suggestions? I have plants growing above the waterline which eliminates the option for a cover.
I’m using eco-complete and my lighting consists of a 50 watt led. I started this tank on a budget and used an amazon led flood light. I saw a video where Cory tested this light and seemed to have plenty of PAR. The packaging claims it’s 6500K, but I have no way to confirm. It’s mounted about 12” above the water. It’s a 50 gal corner tank that is 24” deep.
I have 4-5 val, 2 swords, 1 java fern, 2 hygro, 1 s. Repens, Anubias petite, floating pennywort and xmas moss. I put a root tab under the val, swords and s. Repens about a week ago.
My 50 gal tank has been set-up for about 3 months. I have been using easy green for about two months. My plants appear to be dying a slow death (leaves turning yellow with holes and even my moss is dying). My nitrates have always been zero. I dose easy green according to the instructions and have even added a little extra.
My question: Can I increase the dosage until I hit 20-30 ppm nitrate? I need to try something before all the plants die. I had to remove the remains of a java fern that turned black and disintegrated. I have zero algae.