Hey! Just want to introduce myself. My name is Ben, and im a fellow fish nerd. I love aquascaping and all fish that can live their lives in a 20g tank and under. I keep several species of dwarf cichlids, including German blue rams, Bolivian rams, apisto orange flash cac, apisto fire red, apisto borelli blue and opal, as well as apisto sp D37. Although I keep a lot of dwarf cichlids, my main love is for plecos and corydoras. I currently keep/have kept about 15 species of plecos, some of which are the l-046 zebra, king tiger, stardust, green dragon long fin bn, and snowball. As for corydoras, I have kept/am keeping over 25 species. Some of these species include C. 121, C. Eques, Orange Lazer(cw0010), C. Septentrionalis, C. Duplicareus, and C. Shultzei. My favorite are the zebra and the eques!! I have 18 tanks right now, 12 of which are breeding tanks. I am more than happy to share anything I know, but I am mostly here to learn from all of you. Thank you for having me!