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  1. How do you keep quarantine tank cycled after soaking it for 7 days with ichx, maracyn and paracleanse? I just lost 4 fish despite water changes and using Fritz 7. I had put in a cycled filter but the meds killed all the bb. I had an ammonia and nitrite spike. Tested daily but fish were still weakened.
  2. Following Cory's protocol for medicating Petco fish. Why can't I feed them for 7 daus?
  3. First angel died a day after showing symptoms yes she was bloated so scales were up. Second one no bloating and the remaining male is ok. Second female had a string of white poop day before she died.
  4. Temp 75 Nitrate 20 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0
  5. Justkrispy


    I've lost 2 female angels 2 weeks apart. Both were 5 years old. The first one was bloated and gasping at the surface. The second died yesterday after 2 days treating with Lifeguard. My petco and petsmart had no api general cure. Second one was gasping less than the other with no bloat. The only thing new to this tank was the addition of platies. Water tested fine. Both females had recently spawned. This latest one was a female I moved from another tank for the male.
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