Have a 10 gallon that is purely gravel and fake plants. I decided I wanted to get a bigger tank and found sales. I currently have a snail, a few male guppies, and some corys. I have looked into substrates somewhat, but still slightly overwhelmed on it all. As for plants I've read that Amazon sword, java fern, and anubias are great plants to start with. I would like to find plants that would pair with those fish and potentially a dwarf gourami, school of tetras, and maybe a very small pleco (like a clown.) As for the substrate, inert or not. Am I able to use a few inches of a substrate like eco complete and then a thin layer if gravel over for the corys to sift through? Also, what is a good beginner substrate to look into that won't overly complicate water parameters. I did watch co-ops video where he mentions recommending crushed coral, so I would use roughly 5lbs at his 1:10 ratio. Lastly, was reading about c02 injection and etc. If I used an oxygen stone with a outside filter would that provide enough natural flow to inhibit my need to go that route?