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Phil Harding

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  1. The question is, why does someone breed fish? If I was purely trying to breed angelfish for the offspring, I would definitely snip the leaf off and hatch and raise the fry separately. What I want to do is observe the angelfish raise their own young. I remember years ago, when I bred kribensis, that was part of the attraction. It is tempting to go the easier route though and try to get the hobby to pay for itself a bit.
  2. FAIL 😞 When the fry became more free-swimming the parents ended up eating them along with the flake food - Doh!! I'm tempted to raise the next batch separately, but otherwise, maybe I could try feeding the parents tabs/wafers so that their young don't end up mixed in with the feed.
  3. Yesterday, the female moved the fry back to the original plant again where I think they might have been grazing on the fuzzy algae on the leaf that was chosen. Today, the fry are free swimming, but if they venture too far, the parents are sucking them up in their mouths and spitting them out again on the leaf. Fingers crossed that they don't swallow any by accident. You can clearly see the eyes on the fry now and they look like they've got a mini silver bauble inside. (I think I need to try a proper camera)
  4. Thanks! He seems to be getting inkier colours as he matures. He's also got a really nice pattern on his fins and top of his body that doesn't show in the photo. The fry are still on the leaf today and are bigger already. Both the male and female seem to be quite fussy about moving the fry about the leaf. I was quite surprised to see the female move the eggs to a different plant after I gave the tank a clean/water change at the weekend. I didn't know angelfish did that.
  5. What kind of angelfish offspring will my golden veiltail and black koi produce? I've found my two angelfish have become a breeding pair and are currently nursing some wrigglers on the leaf of an Amazon sword. Last weekend I found an outlet for any fish I breed. The shop owner didn't seem to mind that my breeding pair is made up of two different varieties. I was just wondering if anyone had any idea what the offspring would look like if they survived. I'm mostly wanting to breed for enjoyment as I find cichlids fascinating to watch rear their young. Thanks 🙂
  6. Unfortunately, the angelfish died during the night. 😞 I've put the remaining fish into another tank with some swordtail fry (that are now big enough to not be eaten) and done a complete tank rebuild. I think my mistake from the start was that I inherited the tank with some fish in a bucket and should have completely cleaned the gravel, instead of rushing to get the fish back into the tank. I probably had a lot of nasty stuff buried in the gravel which got stirred up and then sucked into the filter. Thanks for your advice.
  7. Thanks @Colu for getting back so quickly.If I can't get hold of either of those locally (UK), I'll try and get something equivalent.🤞
  8. I've got an angel fish which is dying. It's appears to have internal haemorrhaging, probably from an internal bacterial infection. I don't expect it to last the night. If it does, is there anything treatment I can give it? It's spawning mate died the day before yesterday. I found I had a spike in nitrate, so that it was at 50ppm, which I think may have been caused by my bristle nose digging a big crater in the gravel which it hasn't done before. I've got the nitrate back down to 25ppm. I'm going to take out the dwarf sag and deep clean sections of the gravel. The remaining angel behaving happier, but the red lines started appearing this afternoon. Water parameters: Capacity: 90 litres Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate: 25ppm GH: 8 degrees KH: 4 degrees pH: 6.4 Chlorine: 0 Temperature: 25C (77F) Shares a tank with 1x bristle nose, 2x swordtails. Thanks in advance.
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