I've got an angel fish which is dying. It's appears to have internal haemorrhaging, probably from an internal bacterial infection. I don't expect it to last the night. If it does, is there anything treatment I can give it? It's spawning mate died the day before yesterday.
I found I had a spike in nitrate, so that it was at 50ppm, which I think may have been caused by my bristle nose digging a big crater in the gravel which it hasn't done before. I've got the nitrate back down to 25ppm. I'm going to take out the dwarf sag and deep clean sections of the gravel.
The remaining angel behaving happier, but the red lines started appearing this afternoon.
Water parameters:
Capacity: 90 litres
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: 25ppm
GH: 8 degrees
KH: 4 degrees
pH: 6.4
Chlorine: 0
Temperature: 25C (77F)
Shares a tank with 1x bristle nose, 2x swordtails.
Thanks in advance.