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Posts posted by timQ

  1. On 6/13/2022 at 4:23 AM, Guppysnail said:

    There are so many fun things under a scope to watch. Here is one I did of a bladder snail embryo shortly before hatching. You can see the heartbeat  

    Here is a fantastic thread on Drop Drama and you can see the microverse drama play out. I recently started to take random mulm samples to see what soap operas are going on beneath my notice  

    And here is a neat thread. 


    so cool, the heartbeat!
    I took a mulm sample and a ceramic sample. The bacteria is so tiny. Im going to need to get a stronger objective. 

    • Like 1
  2. Ive been doing a new youtube series and just checking out some cool stuff in the aquarium hobby under the microscope. Check out what microworms look like. These critters are crazy looking. Ideas on stuff to do? I think BBS, Bloodworms, BB etc...


    Under the Microscope! Microworms    They look super cool and think I saw some with eggs



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  3. On 5/11/2022 at 12:08 AM, Torrey said:

    Looks like disturbed mosquito larvae. Great fish food!

    Mosquito larvae go through multiple stages of growth. 

    Some species have as few as  3 stages if I remember correctly?

    Others have more, and they don't look like that until the last 72 hours before they emerge as mosquitoes. 

    Ty, I thought they were Mosquito larvae but looked a bit different. Guess its probably the later stages. Thanks!

  4. Found dried sweetgum pods to be some of the best shrimp floor litter. Toss 4 of them in there and you will have housing, food and tannins for your shrimp. Ive found my population boom since I put in 4 pods in a 10 gallon of my Blue Diamonds and Chocalates

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  5. Yeah, he passed yesterday. I tried treating but to no avail. All others in the tank are fine. 

    Parameters are good, temps at 78, did a 30% water change and all others are good. Sucks but ill just do another water change and medicate the tank just in case.

    Thanks for all the info

    • Sad 1
  6. On 1/2/2022 at 11:05 AM, HydraSlayer said:

    aw poor guy. Has his behaviour been any different?

    Nope, suprisingly they spawned while i was gone and hes still eating. Looks like a bad bacterial infection and parasite?

  7. Was gone for the weekend and came back to this? Looks like pop eye and?????

    Started treatment with paraguard and stress guard. Any other tips? Btw his mate and the corys/plecos in the tank are fine 



  8. On 11/5/2021 at 10:06 PM, Lifeisgood said:

    That is a great idea if I can figure out how to put a lid on it without scaring them away.  They are quick swimmers and dart for cover.  I am trying to figure out how to make a clear trap door that I can close with fishing line or something.

    I have wondered if a smaller version of a fish trap would work.  But having never seen a small one ready made—I am faced with trying to come up with making one.  Daunting task.

    maybe a minnow type trap. Conicle circle with a inverted entrance? Like a sodbottle lid inverted. Toss some food in there and see if that works.

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