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  1. Thanks, I'm going to be adding some cherry shrimp soon
  2. Just added some planters and new plants. Love this little tank.
  3. It's just a floating log that they can use for a hide.
  4. Mostly artificial because I just am not good at real ones. The floating plants are real. Yes I put some leaves in there for tannins. That is a betta log. I don't breed them, just have wanted a sorority for a couple of years and decided to try it after a lot of research and video watching.
  5. All these girls are doing great so far. I absolutely love watching them.
  6. It's fully cycled. I have been looking at different pictures of bettas and I think now that it's just their coloring because I have an all white one and she is totally fine. Thanks everyone ☺
  7. I have 7 baby girl bettas in a 20 high. I just put them in 3 days ago. And they have seemed to work out who's boss. Just flaring but no real nipping that I saw. I'm hoping it's just their coloration coming into play. I have maracin if needed.
  8. I just recently started a betta sorority. I had the tank set up for about a month before adding them and used a sponge filter that was already established from a different tank. I added 6 juvenile guppies (from an already established tank)2 weeks before adding the bettas. My parameters are Nitrate-0 Nitrite-0 GH-25 Chlorine-0 KH-180 PH-7.8 Amonia-0 So here's the problem, the gills on the bettas are all turning red, which I looked up and it said amonia burns/poisoning but the levels are 0. The tests aren't expired as I just purchased them. Please help!!
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