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  1. Thanks for the advice, BenRF. That's exactly what I'm trying to do... Find the balance between being hands off and interactive. I'm trying to do everything now before the fry get born and then I'm planning to be hands-off for a month or two until the fry get bigger. Did you gravel vac your shrimp tank in the first month or two?
  2. Hi, I'm setting up a cherry shrimp tank for the first time and it seems like a lot of shrimp breeders recommend dual sponge filters. I can see the advantages of the dual sponge filters being that they are easier to clean (popping out one sponge is far easier than a barrel one), you can remove one to cycle another tank, and they don't take up any space on the tank floor. Are there disadvantages over a single barrel one apart from a little less suction power? I've watched many of Cory's youtube videos and I haven't seen one where he talks about dual sponge filters. Does anyone know why he doesn't carry them?
  3. Thanks Bryan and Aubrey!! Your advice is very helpful. Really appreciate the picture to clearly see how the fry compare to the pore size.
  4. Hi, I'm new here. Came across some of Cory's helpful YouTube videos as I was setting up a 5g cherry shrimp-only tank. I'm interested in buying an Aquarium Coop Small Sponge filter for the tank and was wondering if anyone here would know if it's safe for shrimp fry OR if the pores may too be big since the sponge filter is purposely made to be coarse? Thanks in advance.
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