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Everything posted by pnwch

  1. Thanks everyone, I had a feeling about it, but wanted to make sure I was doing the right thing. Appreciate the straight forward feedback.
  2. Hi new to having guppy fry. I got some new females last month and the first round of fry are about a few weeks old. I noticed about 8 fry have a bend or it kinks slightly at the peduncle (hoping I named the part properly, it's just before the tail starts). The backs are straight and there's no problem with mobility. None of the adults (2 males, 6 females) display this. What could cause this? Genetic? Tank parameters? (Ammonium Nitrite Nitrate safe, GH 11, KH 2, pH 7.8) What should I do with kinked tail ones? Will they outgrow this? Cull them? Start an outdoor tub (never done it before, in the Seattle area) and whatever happens happens? It's for a hobby, and I have plenty of other good fry (20+, thinking to take out the adult males). The goal is to enjoy a happy living tank. Thanks!
  3. Similar situation with 8 year old and I'm a novice, so it was great to see this thread!
  4. Newbie here but I'm excited to share how well my dwarf lily and banana plant from coop's doing, see timeline pics below. As amateur gardener, light's everything to a plant. The fuzz went away on its own but the white hair algae was worrying for awhile for a couple of weeks. (Similar occurred with new driftwood.) I add in 1 pump of Easy Green with my weekly water changes, don't know how it'd do w/out it, probably fine? I bought a light online that has 12 hr built in timer. In the beginning, red dwarf lily was growing almost1 cm a day, it was so exciting. Side comment, I don't know if banana lily plants normally grow their roots like that so that it'd prop itself up. I'm surprised how much I enjoy aquarium planting.
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