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  1. I have a Betta who is ~4+ years. He’s been laying on the bottom of his own 10g tank for a few weeks, I have tested, salted, medicated, reduced water so he didn’t struggle to get to the top, finally moved him to a small 1.5 g so I could focus in, to get him food, made a black water tank & he’s just not improved. I think the humane thing would be to euthanize, but it’s just so difficult to actually do! Either way I feel terrible. Any words of wisdom?
  2. I’m having the same issue. I’m nervous that while I let the trio meds marinade for a week are causing an ammonia spike when I added new fish. Do I test & water change if so, or just let it continue the next couple of days. I know the parameters will be wonky, just don’t know if I need to act during chemical quarantine?
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