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Lexi B

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Everything posted by Lexi B

  1. I've got a betta paired with a group of platies in a 20 gallon long. He seemed very chilled out and got along well. Except for with the only male platy. The platy chases and tries to nip at the betta, which is not at all the issue I was expecting. The betta has no issues with fancy guppies, guppy fry, cory cats, or snails. Should I remove the platies and try a different species of fish? I don't understand the reaction to the betta at all
  2. I'm trying my best to research the differences between these two species. But it seems like the main highlight when discussing care is their native origin. Would anyone be able to explain or point me to a more thorough source? Thanks!
  3. Should I concerned over my female guppy? She gave birth a few days ago, but still looks quite chunky and her gravid spot is still fairly large. I know people retain a little bit if baby weight and bloat after birth, though, so is this the same kind of thing? I've never bred fish before so I know that I still have a lot to learn.
  4. Is there a way to be notified when a specific species comes in? I've been looking for reticulated hill stream loaches as opposed to the Chinese hillstreams.
  5. I bought a lily bulb a few weeks ago and followed the directions to flip it after a few weeks if it never sprouted. I pulled it out today and noticed that the bulb was squishy and smelled off. How should I go about this?
  6. I found my first snail ever. He came in on a big purchase of plants and has gotten quite large from when I first saw him. I just wonder what kind of snail he is? I don't know anything about snails, but my guess is maybe a nerite snail?
  7. @Brandy The tank is currently empty. Do I need to clean it off or will the lily still grow?
  8. I'm not sure if this is normal. To me, it looks like a fungus? I bought this dwarf red lily bulb from the co-op about three days ago. I noticed the white haze growing on it the second day and it's gotten worse. I never buried it or anything since I know it would rot. What should I do?
  9. I was wondering if the plants you have in stock online will also be on the shelves if I were to go in? I'm hoping to buy a handful of plants tomorrow. Namely scarlet temple, red tiger bulbs, and baby tears
  10. After learning the hard way with my first tank, I'm trying very hard to ensure my new 20gl is going to be fully cycled for it's new fish. I've never done a complete fishless cycle, and I'm trying my best to seed some filter media in my current five gal for the new tank. However, my 5gal doesn't really have the space for me to seed a while sponge filter so really I'm just letting the bio rings and intake sponge do their thing. So I don't know how long my 20 would take to be fully cycled with just those items? I'm also going to use fritz zyme to help with the process. Should I try ghost feeding and see if I get any ammonia spikes? Or just put a small bio load in gradually and hope that the bacteria colonies root fast? Sorry if anything was unclear. I'm going to start cycling the tank Friday, so I'm a bit anxious about making mistakes.
  11. Oh ok. I'll just have to keep an eye out then. Thank you!
  12. Is it possible to order in specific types of fish? Such as Marble/White lyretail mollies? I've been popping in when possible, but haven't seen any other than black mollies for a while.
  13. @JettsPapa I love pygmy cories but for some reason mine die on me inexplicably. I'm hesitant to buy more since they seem so fragile?
  14. l @JettsPapa I have a 20 gallon long. Can it handle more than 6 corydoras? I'm deathly afraid of overstocking.
  15. I was just wondering since I've heard mixed opinions on keeping multiple species of cories rather than just one. For instance, if I wanted six cories would 2 pandas, sterbais, and albinos do just as well as just the 6 albinos? I just want to have a good idea of what I'm doing with the bigger cory species since I've only ever worked with pygmies.
  16. Final update hopefully: All of the fish are acting normal and happy again. No other deaths, no changes in water parameters. I don't know what that was, but I'm glad that the other fish came out unscathed
  17. Final update hopefully: All of the fish are acting normal and happy again. No other deaths, no changes in water parameters. I don't know what that was, but I'm glad that the other fish came out unscathed
  18. @gardenman @Fish Folk@Maggie Thanks for the explanation! While I can't say for sure, I don't necessarily believe that unrested water was the issue. I'm still not sure what happened though. My boyfriend and I went back and looked over the water from the tap and nothing seems out of the ordinarordinary. As of now, no other fish have died. Although it's too early in the morning for me to know if the guppies are still behaving oddly, I'm hoping that the lack of other deaths is a good sign. It's just so strange to me. The pygmy cory that died showed absolutely no sign of distress and looked so healthy. I really appreciate everyone taking time to respond to me, though. I've only been doing this for a few months and was too anxious to reach out to other people. You all have been very kind and helpful though!
  19. I didnt check the waters temp before adding it, but it seems like that may be one of the only possibilities. It didn't seem to be all that different though. I did add the dechlorinator. I've tested the water before and it was fine. It's well water so I don't think it would be subject to the same sudden changes that big water plants might make for city water. And I've never heard of "gassed off" water? Do you mind explaining it it's not too much of a hassle? As for the fish, no changed from the guppies but the remaining cories are still acting happy as clams. I don't know why one suddenly died.
  20. Hello all. I have a bit of a problem. Today I did about a 20-30% water change on my five gallon tank with 4 guppies and 4 pygmy corydoras in it. It's a temporary set up for a 20 gallon long. Before the water change, all of my fish were very happy and active as always. Within five minutes of the water change the guppies have started swimming extremely slowly, but the cories were in bothered. I don't know what exactly happened, but about an hour has passed. The guppies are still huddled in the corner of the tank and hardly moving and I found one of my poor baby cories dead! I don't know what I did wrong. The tank is about 3 months old, fully cycled. It has 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, and typically 5 nitrate. The temperature stays at around 78 degrees. The pH is a solid 7. I'm new to the hobby and I don't know what on earth I did wrong. The tank gets weekly water changes. My only thought is something went wrong with the tap water or the bucket I used. (which was only ever meant for fish water)
  21. Hi was just wondering if the store ever does special deals on fish? I know the handful of times I've been there, there have been promos on stone and food. If so how would I find out before coming in? It's a long drive to the co op. Thanks!
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