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Lexi B

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Everything posted by Lexi B

  1. So beautiful! Ive been trying to find a Betta like that for a while! But I always seem to miss the yellow ones
  2. She looks just like my boy did! But... Then he turned blue. Totally Catfished me
  3. I was wondering if anyone knew some good shrimp foods that my porky Betta won't choke himself on? I like to supplement my cherry's diets with shrimp cuisine, which the shrimp love, but unfortunately the Betta will eat those whole. I'm very scared he might rupture his stomach or choke on them. Really, the Betta only likes pellet/wafer type foods and ignores repashy and softer foods. Does anyone know of a food that won't tempt him but is just as good for shells?
  4. I've had my Betta for around 8 months and have noticed a funny little pattern. When I wake up in the morning, or when i get home from work, he always swims right up to the front of the glass to come investigate. When I'm sitting near the tank, he likes to swim by the front glass. Otherwise, he seems to hang out in the floating roots or java Fern forest. If I can't find my little buddy, all I have to do is walk up to the tank and wait a moment and suddenly: Betta! I never expected him to be so personable! Especially compared to the other species of fish I've had.
  5. You know, I really didn't expect them to breed like this. Especially since they've got a betta in the tank, but clearly hw either can't or doesn't want to catch them. I've considered posting around about selling shrimp, but considering the horrors of fb market place and the like, I worry about the well being of the shrimp beyond my care!
  6. As far as I can tell, the nearest local fish store is actually aquarium co op. And since they're so popular, I imagine they already have a lot of people bringing in babies haha.
  7. I don't consider myself a dedicated breeder, since really I just like keeping aquariums. But breeding is a given with cherry shrimp, and 10 has become more like hundreds. I don't know what to do with them! I would like to get some money back, since of course it does cost time and money to keep them all happy and healthy. How do you send out your babies?
  8. Does anyone have some advice for cleaning the outer glass of your fishtank? I have some hard water stains on the outside from a few messy water changes, but I'm too scared to take any glass cleaner to the tank itself. How do you get them off?
  9. They were originally my first choice, but I heard rumors that they were also quite shy. Would you agree with that?
  10. Ooh, yes. Have you by chance kept them with shrimp before? I know fish tend to be a gamble but so far I've been lucky
  11. I've got a group of ember tetras that are very shy. They did well with dither fish in the past, although due to some aggression issues, they are no longer with the guppies. I spoke to someone at the aquarium co op store that recommended a species of danio. What would be a good choice for a 20 gallon long with a betta and ember tetras.
  12. They grow like weeds! I saw one of the tiny new borns a week ago and now they're fairly sized and eating well! I went from like 6 to 60 real quick...
  13. Oh wow! Do you keep your male with an angel? I never would have thought theyd tolerate each other
  14. Did your fish happen to have the fungus as heavily as mine did? Like the big puffy patch? I'd like to use melafix and pimafix in the tank to help out everyone and keep them from getting sick. But I saw that there was some disagreement over whether it could treat certain illnesses. API Fungal cure wouldn't be too kind to the shrimp, so I'd definitely need to quarantine the cories.
  15. Substrate. The rest is sand. Would you recommend treating the entire community tank?
  16. Last night I found one of my false juuli cories had a puff of white cotton-like fungus on his anal fin. This morning, another has a small white patch around the mouth. I immediately added aquarium salt to the tank as a temporary solution, but I don't think that's going to solve the issue. I did a water test, and everything was in order except apparently there was a massive oh spike! 8.2! I suspect that's the source of the issue? I've done some research, and while I have crushed coral in the tank, it hasn't been having any major effect on ph. I'm wondering if it could be caused by fish waste in the filter media? What should I do to treat these fish and is there anything I can really do? I have shrimp in the tank, so I don't know that I can easily medicate the whole community. I do a partial water change of 20% weekly. They are in a 20 long, in a group of 5 with 8 ember tetras and a betta. As well as their fair share of shrimp. So far, only the cories show any illness. pH 8.2 (need help lowering that and finding source of spike!) Nitrates 10-15 Hardness 6.5 Nitrite 0 Ammonia 0 KH/Buffer 8 Water Temperature lowered from 76 to 72 I do have a cycled filter in the tank that was being seeded for a 6 gallon Betta tank. I know it is far from the correct size to adequately house juuli cories, though. Would you recommend keeping them in the 20 and trying to cure them there, or using the 6 as a hospital. If I use the 6 and the sponge filter as a hospital tank, would I be able to clean the medication out of both so it's suitable for shrimp?
  17. You know, my Betta was half white when I bought him too. Turns out he's basically only koi on his face
  18. He's very hard to photograph... He loves zipping around the tank.
  19. @James BlackHUgo is just the cutest name for a betta! I love the lil yellows @LaurieinIAI am in love! What a spicy boy @HanaHoo808so many bettas! Im not into breeding, but I love seeing how much they can differ from the "fighting fish" stereotype. Others ... Others are sassy though
  20. I have a small addiction to bettas. Whole currently I only own one tank, I have three others on standby that are "someday betta tanks". My parents, however, are not keen ok fish tanks. So, show off your favorite bettas so I can live vicariously through you! Heres mine!
  21. Hi there. This morning I woke up to find one of my male guppies to be completely without a tail. Last night when I went to bed he was completely untouched. I have him in a tank with other males and a betta that's been completely placid. I've never seen any aggression until now. The damage done to his tail suggests the betta, but I've been watching and the betta shows zero interest. The other large male, however, has begun to chase him over night. Could the other guppy be responsible for this? I am trying to figure out what to do, since I only have the one tank and can't just move them easily to a different one.
  22. So, this is Chenley. His hobbies are swimming, sunbathing, and subverting expectations. Chenley has roomed with many species of fish, ranging from guppies, tetras, many sizes of cory, and even cherry shrimp. He was bought initially to help cull fry. He doesn't like to eat fry. In fact, he doesn't like to eat much of anything except repashy and betta gold, unless the cories are eating it too. When faced with a net used to clean out water lettuce, Chenley feels the need to enter the net and investigate rather than hide or swim away. He is the most placid betta I've ever seen. He's never even nipped at another fish or crustacean, and instead seems to be curious about his tank mates. Has anyone else ever had a betta fish that really really doesn't act like the typical betta? I guess I never really expected a betta to deviate so much from the stereotype.
  23. The top growth of some of my scarlet temple plants have been taken over by what appears to be a green hair algae? None of my other plants, including the slow growing java ferns, anubias, or crypts are having this issue. The other temples seem ok. What should I do? (Excuse the guppies. They are camera hogs)
  24. I've got a small school of false juliis and recently have noticed a (what i believe to be) male cory constantly wiggling very rapidly at the female cories, following them about and rubbing his body against hers. I'm not familiar to cories, and have only had these guys for a month, but this new behavior is new. I'm curious if maybe it's spawning behavior?
  25. Vallisneria or java fern! they grow like weeds in my tanks, and make me feel very accomplished
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