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Lexi B

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Everything posted by Lexi B

  1. For a moment, I thought all the tiny specks of baby brine were the fry 🤦‍♀️ This is super cool, though! I'm just about to start doing research on breeding my pygmy cories and hope that I can get lucky with babs in the future.
  2. I've got a blind betta and recently saw someone else using a glass dish to ensure that the betta can find the food without getting impacted or losing it in the substrate, which i thought was a much better alternative to hand feeding an already lazy boy. Does anyone know where I could start looking around for something like that? I'm wary to just pick out any glass I see since I know working at a craft store they sometimes had oil/protective chemicals on them.
  3. Unfortunately, I keep Bettas so I understand. I appreciate that captive bred animals don't continue to put pressure on ecosystems, but I honestly wouldn't mind giving up the fancy colors and fins for a healthy wild type in captive populations
  4. Oh! Thanks for letting me know. When I was doing my quick surface level research I kept seeing friendly community fish lol. Honeys will probably be a good choice then. Its just too bad that there isn't anywhere local to me that sells any honey gourami
  5. I was thinking the same thing. Ive been looking into honeys or maybe dwarf gouramis
  6. you know, buying a specific type of wood to use shouldn't be a novel concept to me... but wow! Ghost wood was secretly all i've ever wanted. Thanks a lot for the recommendation!
  7. I actually recently saw a set up on Reddit someone made basically tailored around hillstream. It was a high flow river set up with big algae covered river rocks over a false bottom. It had some species of top swimmer that liked high flow as well, though I can't remember what they were. Awesome set up! I use seiryu stone. I like the pattern, only thing I'm not a fan of is how jagged it is. But that's because I have Bettas- clumsy ones at that. As for woods, I don't have a specific type. I used to use drift wood that I gathered and let soak and bake for a long time, but I've moved to a part of the state where bodies of water are very rare. I do like spider wood for small details though, and there's a local pet store that sells all kinds of drift wood for reptiles and aquariums. Right now I was thinking about making a "tree of life" set up, and make one of those underwater bonsai types with mosses and anubias and use spider wood as the roots weaving in a rock cliff. I'm not very skilled at aquascaping though. My best looking tanks are probably the jungle set ups haha
  8. Thanks for the advice! I actually kept hillstreams before this, but unfortunately the entire aquarium they lived in was destroyed by a natural disaster. I didn't consider making a bunch of hiding places in a rock/branch set up though. Mine always liked to hang out on the back wall behind my driftwood and eat the algae, so I bet they'd appreciate all the hidey holes. Also it's a 30B- I guess i should've been more specific lol. I've been in the hobby for almost 2 years now but I swear it feels like I'm still a newbie when talking about set ups
  9. oooh i completely forgot gouramis... i might have to consider one of those
  10. Hi! I've got a future tank that I want to set up in the next year or so. I don't really know what I'd like to stock in it except for maybe hillstream loaches or a species of corydora, and likely neon tetras. It's going to be planted, I have a HOB filter with modded canister, and a sponge filter for extra aeration and particulate. Mostly, I want a community friendly centerpiece fish/ oddball. I've considered angel fish but I'm not quite sure on if I wanted to try doing a breeder set up rather than a community build. My favorite fish are bettas because of their big personalities, so if you guys know of anything that might be similar are well suited for a 30g I'd love to hear! Again, nothing is set in stone so my ideas stated at first aren't 100% something we need to work around. 🙂
  11. pH 8.2 Nitrates 30 Hardness 4 Nitrite 0 Ammonia 0 KH/Buffer 3 Water Temperature 78 lives alone in a 6 gallon cube I recently just moved a 6 hour drive away and took my betta with me. He's never had any diseases before, but he does have some notable health issues like diamond eye, tumors, and a bent spine (He's a petco betta). I was preemptively treating him with maracyn and ich x as a pseudo quarantine because of the stress of travel, and about mid week after we got settled in he began developing pop eye in the left eye. He's been through one 5 day round of both medications, but the eye has only worsened. Does anyone have any suggestions? I care deeply about him *I'll do my best to submit picture of his eye. Given his poor eyesight, it's really hard to get him to cooperate for pictures
  12. Thanks colu. Forever my savior
  13. Ive got a fish with minor body fungus. Usually I treat body fungus with maracyn and ich x at the same time, but currently don't live in a location with short notice access to maracyn. I know maracyn is erythromycin, but I'm not sure if the api product would be safe with ich x. Has anyone tried this?
  14. Thanks for the info. This whole idea of mine is many years out, so Im still not super familiar on the personalities of goldfish. Mostly I just wanted to make sure they didn't get stressed out from feeling lonely
  15. Just a general question about goldfish, I guess. I have a dream of one day making a big couple hundred gallon goldfish pond, and really like both shubunkin and comet goldfish. I was wondering if they would recognize each other as goldfish, or would it be better to pick one kind and stick with it?
  16. Haha just kidding it appears the fungus fizz tabs are also not available for whatever reason- can't find a generic nitrofurazone powder outside of a bulk koi pond product with no reviews. I'm sorry to be obnoxious, I'm just desperate. Any last recommendations?
  17. Oooh I totally misunderstood. Thought it was the fizz that had been discontinued- thanks!
  18. One more thing: is furan 2 and API Fin & Body cure the same medication? I'm having a hard time finding Furan 2
  19. Dang. I wonder what it is stressing him out then. He is on his own in the tank. Thanks
  20. Oh my god bless you. He's still got a huge appetite, but that's always been his personality. Even when he was on deaths door, he always responds to food. I'll try this medication, and I really hope to see some improvements. Do you have any idea what could have caused the rot to start off? I want to know what I did wrong so I can prevent it when he starts to recover
  21. pH 7.8 Nitrates 20-30 Hardness 6 Nitrite 0 Ammonia 0 KH/Buffer 4 Water Temperature typically 78- raised to 80 now Hi everyone. About two weeks ago, I noticed minor fin rot on my Betta Danny. While I was perplexed as to why it came up (I test consistently and my parameters have always stayed as they are above), I treated him with maracyn thinking it would work. It didn't. Last week I treated with ich x and maracyne combined, raised the temp to 80, the typical drill. But he's rapidly come to the state he has now, in just a week losing half of his lower fin mass. He's also begun to float partially sideways at the waters edge and has lost all of his spunk and energy that is typical of him. Nothing I do has helped, he's only gotten worse. I can't pin point the source of the rot either, his parameters are clean, his food is up to date, the meds and water tests weren't expired, and hes never exhibited signs of stress. Back in November, his tank was destroyed and he spent almost two hours out of water. He barely survived and was on deaths door for a week. Although he had been lively since then,. Starting to worry that the incident may have left him weak or caused something internal. Does anything know what I can do? I love him very much and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I'm very distressed and am starting to feel like there's nothing else I can do. Edit: a picture of my poor boy. Looking worse today then ever in the past few days
  22. Nothing sudden. The parameters have been consistent. 0 ammonia 0 nitrite 20 ish nitrates -planted tank 7.6 ph 5 kh 3 gh Temp is 78
  23. I've got a Betta that had been recovering from a bad case of fin rot back in December. His rot came from a combination of stress and poor water quality after his aquarium had been shattered. He was healing up like normal, but about a week ago the fin rot was suddenly back. After checking his parameters, temperatures, and good expiration dates I didn't find anything to be amiss. He's on his second round of maracyn now, I'm just really puzzled as to why it suddenly developed. Is it because his fins were still recovering?
  24. Interesting. It didn't seem to be trying to molt- really more interesting in munching it's leaf. Maybe it molted over night though, I'll see if I kind find it.
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