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  1. It is the glass ones. Is any residue bad for fish or shrimp?
  2. My api test kit bottles leak every time I shake them for the nitrate test are the faulty or is this normal because I do not want to poison my fish or myself via my hands that are covered in test chemicals.
  3. what about blue spotted sunfish or black banded sunfish. If I can't get those then I will get pygmy sunfish.
  4. I would like to keep some us native fish. I like pumpkinseeds because but they can get to 5" can I keep a pair in a 20 tall with nothing else and live plants. I would think it would work because you can keep a pair of angels in a 20 tall and they get 6" and a lot taller.
  5. Thanks I will do it becuse It seems to get a lot more lift when you do. Mine has plastic piece where you would put a air stone so I cant fit it in.
  6. I want to install a air stone in my sponge filter but it has that plastic tube could I just cut it off with some wire cutters and install and air stone.
  7. I think I just won't breed them. I don't know if it is even a male female pair I just got 2.
  8. One of my angelfish has bent pectoral and dorsal fins. I have a couple questions about this. Is this bad for the fish or just cosmetic. Can it go away. Should I try to not breed this fish if it is genetic. It is a koi angel if that means anything and is about the size of a 50 cent coin.
  9. Thats a good idea, thanks. Is there a certain kind of plastic you need for it to not leach into the water or are they all safe.
  10. It is a cacatuodides orange flash the 5.5 has been cycled. They are currently in a 40 breeder.
  11. I Would like to breed my apistos in a separate breeding tank but all I have is a 5.5 gallon can I keep them in there for 1-2 months at most. Their eggs are getting eaten by the other fish. If I can't do that could I put the rams that are bullying them in the 5 gallon and have them breed?
  12. Add cuttlebone I have one in all of my shrimp tanks and they last over a year and have never had a molting problem I also have a water softener so I have to add calcium.
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