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  1. Thank you for the quick response, I suppose I'll just cross my fingers and be extra vigilant. I have several berried females, and I was just getting a colony started after significant financial investment so its been kind of stressful. Thank you for the advice. I really appreciate it.
  2. I apologize in advance for the lack of pictures. I have a ten gallon tank with approximately 25-30 cherry shrimp of mixed varieties. This morning I noticed that one of the shrimp that I previously thought was maybe just berried was growing a green like growth outside of it's underside around it's legs. I promptly removed and unfortunately had to euthanize this shrimp because a Google search showed that this disease is infectious and potentially can destroy entire colonies. The parameters are as follows as measured by API test kits. Ph7.2-7.4, Gh-8, Kh-4 , ammonia-0, nitrite-0, nitrate 0-5 ppm( it's a heavily planted tank with floating plants, I dose easy green twice a week and it always trends toward 0) water temp fluctuates between 73.9 and 75. I'm fairly certain I know what disease this is I'm just not sure from my online research how to proceed. Has anyone had any success preventing this from spreading? It's a green Growth that starts on the shrimps pleopods and grows out from there.
  3. Hello everybody! My name is John, I'm new to the forum and relatively new to the hobby. I started a tank back in October and finally got it stocked in early November (I did the whole fishless cycle which was an educational experience to say the least). I have 2 tanks, a 29 gallon community tank, and a 10 gallon cherry shrimp tank. They are both planted as I found as I have progressed through the hobby I enjoy growing plants almost as much as keeping fish! The 29 gallon has 9 Bronze Corydoras, 6 of them are full grown adults and three are juveniles (the only survivors of a surprise spawning), 7 pearl danios, a juvenile longfin lemon bristlenose, a pair of Bolivian Rams, and a female blue gourami. The ten gallon has about 25 mixed variety cherry shrimp, though 4 of the females are berried so hopefully I'll have a colony going soon! Anyhow I'm super happy to be here and I look forward to interacting with everybody, and sharing my limited experience where I can!
  4. Thank you so much for your help! I actually got CO2 running on the tank about a month ago, and figured it was time to see what could be done with it, so I bought this as my first foray into more demanding plants. We will see see how it goes! Once again I really appreciate the ID. They do look very green and healthy in your tank and I really like the island hardscape!
  5. Hello everybody! I picked up this plant at a local store. It was labeled as Micranthemun tweedei (Monte Carlo) but when I got it home and was looking at pictures online it seemed really small in comparison to what I was seeing. Is this Monte Carlo? Dwarf baby tears maybe? Any thoughts or expertise would be greatly appreciated!
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