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Karen K

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Everything posted by Karen K

  1. Thanks to both the replies. kammaroon I think based on what I found of your suggestion when I checked on the web that this is what I have. thanks to both the replies, lefty o the plant you are seeing is the C Parvo. I was talking about the tall plant in the back ground. I cant wait to get more of the C. Pont now! Karen
  2. I got this plant locally and they told me it is a type of Crypt and my spelling might be off as I am spelling how it sounds but I can't find any info anywhere. Thanks. They said it is a Pontafolia.. It's sending out runners.
  3. Thanks all for the advise so far. I did move out my copper Betta from the 55 and he has his own 10 now with a mystery snail. The yellow male Betta will be going to the 46 so I'm sure he will be ok with the neon's. He has been holding his own so far with the Angels but they are getting bigger. One of the reasons I've decided to rehome them. I have had clown loaches in the past and know I will need to rehome them sometime down the road. I am lucky that I live in central Florida and have a lot of resources for rehoming them. How many of the cory's can I have in the 46?
  4. Good morning all. I recently got back into the hobby when a teacher my brother works with had a Jack Dempsey she needed to rehome. I reset up my 75 gal and then restocked my 55 gal. I have since rehomed the Jack and have added two more nano tanks. My issue is I have been running into problems with a couple tanks and lost 2 bettas and have already started getting stressed and over whelmed. I am going to be down sizing to a 46 bowfront tank I had set up a few years ago and will be using sand substrate and adding in various plants and driftwood from the other 2 tanks. I would like to move some of the fish I have to it then rehome the rest. Here is the list of fish I have and my thoughts. Please let me know what you think. In the 75 I have 5 medium size Angels, about 26 black neon tetras, 11 pepper corys, 3 otocinclus cats, 3 clown loaches (still under 2") 1 Siamese algae eater and 1 male PK Betta. In the 55 I have 5 pearl gouramis, 2 otocinclus cats (all the oto's are around 1") 9 San Juan corys and 1 mystery cory (was given to me by accident as a San Juan lol) 1 male Betta. Out of all these I'd like to keep the neon's, the algae eater and loaches, move one group of corys to the 46 and split some up between a 10 and 6.5 gal. The one of the Betta's is going to the 10 gal and one will be going to the 46. Not married to the gouramis or angels. And would all the Oto's be ok in the 46? Thanks in advance for your help!
  5. I had a great Aunt that had tanks back in the 70's and 80's that got me started with fish. She had a little sun room with 4, 10 or 20 gal tanks and use to raise up baby guppies, black mollies and swordtails in large mayonnaise and mustard jars. They were probably a couple gallons. I can still see them up on a window sill. She was a really good fish keeper.. 🙂
  6. I had some of this as well. Got a bristlenose pleco that took care of it for me. I'm now having issues with a tufted green algae that my Oto's and current Bristlenose don't seem to want to eat. I have a Siamese algae eater that took care of beard algae in a 7 gal I have so I was thinking about moving him to the 75. Hoping he'll eat that. anyone know why the Oto's might not be eating it? I have 3 and they had eaten regular green algae I have on my side glass.
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