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  1. I got eggs from my pygmy cories after I fed them live black worms. A water change with cooler water is also a common trigger for cories. Note that I never got the pygmy cory eggs to hatch, but they would spawn and lay when I gave them live black worms.
  2. I don’t have much to add about troubleshooting the issues with the existing fish. If your husband does end up starting with new fish, I just wanted to suggest starting with zebra danios. They are very cheap, pretty fun to watch, and almost bulletproof, in my experience. Nothing makes fish keeping more fun than success, and I can’t think of a fish a beginner is more likely to succeed with than zebra danios.
  3. There’s nothing wrong with store credit, IMO. It’s not like most of us are trying to run this as a business. I like to breed fish and they need to go somewhere. It’s not hard for me to spend store credit, even if I just end up buying water conditioner and frozen foods.
  4. That doesn’t work because the gender distributions aren’t equally likely. It’s like rolling two dice - you can get 2 through 12, but rolling a 2 or 12 is only a 1/36 chance, while rolling a 7 is a 1/6 chance. There are more combinations that make 7, while only one that makes either 2 or 12. The chance of eight fish all randomly being the same gender is the same as flipping a coin and having it come up heads or tails 8 times in a row. 1/128, or less than 1%.
  5. How did you come up with that number? By my math, assuming that each fish has a 50% of being either gender, the odds of them all being one gender is less than one percent. Two would be 50% chance, three would be 25%, four would be 12.5%, etc. Now that is assuming that they are all random genders, and sometimes weird things can happen in the environment or the fish selection process that give unbalanced ratios.
  6. My pigmy cories lay eggs as soon as I feed them live black worms, and only when I feed them live black worms. I’ve never been able to get the eggs to hatch, but I can get them to spawn when I feed them live black worms. I think my water may be too hard/high PH for the eggs to get properly fertilized and hatched. I keep meaning to get them in softer water and try again, but the black worms got hard to get in my area, so I haven’t tried again recently. Does anyone know if hard water and high PH will keep Cory eggs from hatching? My water is super hard ( 350+PPM) and the PH is 8+.
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