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  1. i have two blood parrots two raphael catfish, and a crayfish
  2. So are they safe? they won't kill my fish do they have a name for these worms
  3. I do not see them any where else in my tank, i checked my fish, i don't see anything hanging on them.. i checked my gravel nothing in it ( as far as i can see) and there is nothing on the side of the glass, i only see a few of these worms on the very top of the tank, out of the water... i don't see any actually in the tank in the water its self... i have a video but i can't upload , but there be pics attached take a look.. i check my water and everthing is fine i mean i have high NITRATE around 40 or 80ppm using FRESHWATER MASTER TEST KIT.. today is the day i do a water change and i saw them.
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