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  1. Yes it worked out much better. Still some eggs now 20 percent did not hatch. A work in progress looking forward to yor next stream. I will be joing then .ty
  2. Hi . Thanks for the resonse. As far as salt goes, 60ml 1/4 cup. . Or 5 tables spoons. I started at 2 tablespoons and at 5 now . Not cheap eggs at all. They are siberian eggs from a well known store in the uk.. so started a new hatch 6 tablespoons only 1/2 tablespoon of eggs and will incubate for 48 hours and see.. any other things i should be trying ty again
  3. Having issues hatching brine shrimp. I have a ziss blender. Ph 7.4 o 7.6. Temp is 28c. Shrimp hatch within 30 hours. But hard to harvest shrimp due to shrimp eggs falling to bottom of container with the hatched brine shrimp. Im from ireland so i cannot buy your eggs Any help appreciated.
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