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  1. I have been topping up with DI water and that totally stabilized my pH, KH and GH. I think the problem was my tap water. I will still do about monthly water changes to try to account for any build up of chemicals or ions I am not testing for, but it is not going to be because my parameters are wacky. Thank you so much for your helpful and constructive advice. I really appreciate you!
  2. Is anyone else running deep gravel or sand beds in heavily planted tanks Ocean Aquariums style? If so can we talk about our experiences with water chemistry? I am running 3-6 inches of gravel in my 10 gallon aquarium and it is heavily planted. It processes nitrates like a beast so I almost never do water changes. However my KH and GH are rising, and my pH when left to its own devices is high. I don't know why these things are happening. I suspect there is some contribution from my tap water quality, but I wanted to see if anyone else is running deep gravel beds and talk about it .
  3. I am re-entering the hobby after a 7 year hiatus. I am new to planted tanks. I have a 10 gallon planted tank with 3 amano shrimp, 2 nerite snails, 2 blue Neocaridina shrimp, and 7-> 6 neon tetras. The planted tank has been set up since May 3rd. Two of my tetras had a white small growth on their lips. What is it and how do I treat it? My fish tank parameters: 10 gallon tank below with some modifications to the sump style filter to contain bio rings and course filter pads. Also running an air stone https://www.marinedepot.com/nuvo-fusion-10-pro-aio-10-gallon-aquarium-bundle-innovative-marine?utm_source=mdcsegooglebase2&utm_medium=cse&utm_campaign=mdcsegooglebase2&utm_content=0I6922&gclid=CjwKCAiA7939BRBMEiwA-hX5JxIvsFxiZ4cA0YRB6l-1U8y4UsWjc2oMklPXvQTqWz4xHgT3Z1PohxoCsCEQAvD_BwE& Heavily planted Contains wood decoration Deep gravel bed (3-5”) for nitrate disposal Temp: 76-78 degrees, usually 78 (eheim adjustable heater) Nitrates: 7 Nitrite: 0 Ammonia: 0 KH: 90 ppm GH: 107 ppm pH: 7.5-7.6 3 of the tetras I had since 5/24 and the other 4 since 10/4. I put the old fish through 2 rounds of meds (the trio recommended by aquarium coop) when I got them. I put the new fish through 2 rounds of meds in quarantine (~6 weeks of quarantine) when I got them. I added the new fish to my old tank 11/17. Then one of the old tetras got the growth on his lip. A day after I noticed the growth it started breathing faster. 1 day later I found him dead. One of the new tetras has had a similar looking lip since I got it. However it is eating well and behaving normally so I did not think it was a problem. Looks like I was very wrong. The lip abnormality on the new fish did not respond to the two rounds of med trio. What do I do now? Salt? Repeat med trio? Other Meds? If I use salt do I need to remove all my plants to prevent them from dying? I am so afraid all my fish will die. Enclosed are pics of the old tetra with the lip growth 1 day prior to death, and a picture after death. I could not get pics of the new fish with the lip growth because he is a fast little bugger. Also pictures of my aquarium for context.
  4. Thank you! I kept the bulb and I bet it will grow again with enough time. @ange
  5. I had a dwarf aquarium lily that was growing very well. One day during maintenance I accidentally popped the bulb off the big vegetative growth/roots. I thought the big growth with roots would die, but it is fine and putting out new leaves. Its been at least 3 months. Is this normal? Will it grow another bulb?
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