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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. well, good that you found what happened.
  2. i tend to agree, while i like root tabs as you can put them right next to the roots of individual plants. easy green will still fertilize the vals etc that are planted in the substrate. as long as there is water down in the substrate, and there almost always is in an aquarium, fertilizing the water column works.
  3. that sucks. with some practice, you can learn to drive with your left foot, well unless you drive a stick. hard to work more than 1 peddle at a time with only 1 foot.
  4. do you have a cat, a dog, or an apparition?😈
  5. if i recall, she has a fairly large tank 100+ gallon. i cant say what to kill off or bring to a lfs, but if it was me, i would keep the cory's. experience has shown me, most cory's can get by with little to no maintenance in a larger tank, and very little food. ill give you a side story as evidence. many years ago, due to work i was working 6 and 7 12hr shifts a week for a year, so pretty much shut down my 120 during that time. thought i had all the fish out. tank got dark and i just topped off the water every couple of months. had the filters off, no air, no nothing. well about 12 months later i cleaned the tank well to get started back up, and found i still had 2 bronze cory's in the tank. sure it wasnt ideal, but doesnt seemed to have hurt them any. 1 of them died last year at 14-15 years old, and the other one which is the same age is still swimming in my tank today. i didnt know the fish were there, so never fed them the whole time. pretty good proof they can get by with minimal care.
  6. well, tell us about what fish you have. quite possibly some can get by with minimal maintenance, and those for sure would be ones to keep.
  7. if you bite it back, it will teach it a lesson. just kidding!😈 the can looks like a good solution.
  8. tank conditions, and level of acceptable maintenance dictate stocking levels. those stocking calculators or fish per gallon etc, are at best a suggestion to absolute beginners.
  9. yup, white buckets are best for finding those critters you accidently sucked up.
  10. honestly, you cant have too many buckets.
  11. 2 nets, hold one still, and use the other to chase it into the other net.
  12. i get all 10 points. out of what you listed, i myself would likely opt for the white clouds. i like the color and movement, and they dont require heat.
  13. only 2. one gets used regularily, and the other is for tear downs/moving tanks, when 1 bucket just isnt enough. those 2 are for fish tank use only.
  14. neon tetra's add a good splash of color.
  15. livebearer fry are pretty tough. after a few weeks, id have no problem moving them.
  16. best to stick them in a bucket of water if you cant get them in a tank.
  17. its a big tank when you can go for a swim in it.
  18. one could also add a whole house filter set up, or even just a filter for the faucet you use for fish tank maintenance.
  19. if you did suck some up, have no fear. in short order they will make more. once live bearers start, they dont stop.
  20. for sure that is java fern. as mentioned above they will eventually come off on their own, or once they get to a size you can handle them, you can gently pluck them off and plant elsewhere. looks like there are several more starting to grow on the under side of that leaf.
  21. 3 or 4 days should get a sponge pretty well seeded with bacteria.
  22. maybe tomorrow here. i dont follow anymore, but the twins just had to have an open stadium. its currently raining, and snowing.🤪
  23. as mentioned above, what kind of fish do you have? will help to narrow down the guess work.
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