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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. how long is a while ago? crypts will melt back, that is fairly normal. as long as the roots still look good, it will probably sprout new growth.
  2. id find it a new home, unless you want a 2' long pleco.
  3. this is a good point, if you have plants that can out compete algae, you will suffer less algae.
  4. you need to keep it wet, and the bacteria fed or it will die off.
  5. if water conditions are good, and everything in the tank looks happy and healthy, no you dont have to do water changes. i let the tank dictate when and if it needs a water change. i dont subscribe to the every week water change ( good thing for beginners who havent got a handle on things yet, so there is a place for it). you really have to have a perfectly balanced tank to never do water changes, but a well balanced tank can go for very long times without.
  6. if you want to separate them, it is best to do it as soon as you can start telling them apart.
  7. you will likely grow a good bit of algae in that tank being right in front of the window.
  8. looks okay, just stock in increments. put in some fish6,8, or 10ish give it a week or so, then add some more, repeat until you get to the level you feel is good.
  9. water conditions, genetics, and minerals.
  10. sounds like a plan. skip a dose or two, then sneak back up on it.
  11. just plants in the tank, so its fine. sit back, relax, and do some reading, and co-op video watching.
  12. had something similar a couple years ago. antibiotics for a sinus infection wiped out the good bacteria in my guts. doctor suggested Activia to try and help get the good bacteria back in my stomach. before it was dangerous to be more than 30 seconds from a toilet.
  13. you can 100% have a cycled tank with carbon. carbon is good for removing things from an aquarium that you dont want. it doesnt absorb bacteria. it can absorb meds, nutrients, chemicals etc. the key thing with carbon is that it does well at absorbing things, but only does so for a short time before it has absorbed all it can. after that it is pretty much an inert substance. it is a handy tool, and it has its time and place for use, beyond being a money maker for filter manufacturers.
  14. i cant say for sure as ive not tried, but have heard that ginger can help settle the stomach for cancer patients.
  15. id probably go ahead and get the tetra's, see how that goes for a while, then decide if you think the white clouds would be a good addition.
  16. welcome to the forum. tank looks good.
  17. welcome to the forum. hard to say what the hitch hiker is at this point. be patient, someone will know.
  18. thats about what i do. i target those that need it with root tabs, but for the most part im running on liquid fert.
  19. gluing them to objects usually works well.
  20. i would suggest crypt parva. its a small crypt very slow growing, but can help carpet some of the substrate.
  21. you can stick its roots in the gravel, but dont put it in so far as to cover the rhizome. it will rot, and die then.
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