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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. feed them, then back away from the tank. over time they will relax and figure out you getting near the tank means its dinner time.
  2. gonna have to wrap your spam in aluminum foil!😈
  3. no, i wouldnt. you can get bad things coming off the coils of a dehumidifier.
  4. yeah, i saw just under 20 bucks. for sure they will be unlikely to get that spectacular color in a tank. kept some local wild darters many years ago. less colorful, but neat fish in their own right.
  5. id be more inclined to try some cory's with barbs than the SAE in that size tank.
  6. will probably be okay even without the air pumps depending on how heavily stocked the tanks are. can never go wrong with having air in the tank though. if concerned over holding temp, one can drape a towel or blanket over the tank for the hours the power will be off.
  7. this made me go snooping on that colorado orange throat darter, sheesh, spendy little buggers. very cool looking coloration on them though.
  8. SAE, and barbs in a 20.... id probably lean away from that combo. SAE's get 5"+, and with barbs tending to be nippy little bullies i think not enough room. in a larger tank the two together would be workable.
  9. use aluminum foil instead. a lot of articles, wikipedia, etc are just something someone mumbled, that gets repeated over and over. at least here on the forum, if i say something that is bulldung, someone can step in and say so, and there remains a record of it. that way someone comes along down the road can see for themselves that what i said is likely no good, vs. there just being a paragraph of just wrong info with no counterpoint.
  10. lots of folks like the green water, it is nutrient rich.
  11. it does have the shape of a goldfish.
  12. i agree, its a learning experience. it'll get there, but expect some bumps along the way.
  13. i cant take it any more, put some water in that thing.😎
  14. while trying to establish bacteria, im not big on water changes, but since you have fish in you must control the ammonia. 25-30% water change per day as needed.
  15. for me, real or perceived less chance of fire from an unattended heater.
  16. the stock you start with is more important than anything else if you are going to breed to sell.
  17. sometimes they school, sometimes they dont. i have a good 20 of them right now, and a lot of the time they are grouped up. other times they are scattered all over the tank.
  18. fish tanks are a luxury, but you can justify a 5 or 10gal tank as needed for a qt tank as you already have fish. bonus, a 10gal tank is pretty cheap.
  19. when doing water changes, cut back to 25-30%. especially important for a tank that is not really well established yet. at this point, monitor, and do water changes as needed to keep ammonia levels low.
  20. word to the wise, too much blue light will grow algae very well.
  21. fry are amazing at times. ive taken nets and skimmed crud out of a tank and dumped the crud out in the toilet , and found fry in the toilet. scoop it out, and it lived a long life. the fish just got an adventure to tell the grandfry.
  22. java ferns are normally a good first plant, they tend to be durable. slow to grow, and slow to die.
  23. if they dont look sickly, feed them. ive got guppies from TCG, and been in the store, and visually all their stuff looked healthy, so odds are they wont have any bugs that require immediate medication.
  24. the female could have been bred to a different male before you got them too.
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