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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. if you make a larger quantity than you can use in a week or so, it can also be frozen.
  2. the big hole in the side is probably why it wont hold water idk without having a good gander at it, but it may need some kind of gasket around the bulkhead fitting.
  3. yup, absolutely pure water will not conduct electricity. that fact will blow most peoples minds. many moons ago i was an interior communications electrician in the navy, i have some stories.
  4. thats how i roll, no heaters in my tanks. i have them for emergency use, but do not use them. tanks tend to stay a few degrees above room temp also with heat from filters, air pumps, lighting etc.
  5. go for 2 smaller heaters, at least that way when 1 sticks on, it wont cook the fish as fast.
  6. you cant force sexual maturity on them. they get there when they get there. keep them healthy, and they will achieve sexual maturity.
  7. pretty much any salt will work. ive always added some salt to my tanks too.
  8. looks good. a direct swap over is usually painless as long as you get the temps close.
  9. when you thought you were good, flip the little lever and make the paddles tiny. space invaders etc, all the original atari games were fun. they may not have looked very good, but they were fun.
  10. you can probably get away with it, with 10 gallon tanks. i however would never attempt it as i just dont trust glass, and silicone when you add in a torsional stress.
  11. could be his mood, water conditions, etc. just about anything can make them shift color a tad.
  12. there video on youtube from may years ago where Cory explains the co-op name, and they technically are not a co-op.
  13. i think the co-op sells an iron now, otherwise api leafzone is pretty much nothing but chelated iron.
  14. yup, at only 20 tanks there's not going to be a ton of turnover.
  15. stick them in a small bucket of tank water, and hit the road.
  16. would have been my dads bday today, here's one of his favorites.
  17. well that big black square needs some water, and some plants in it to start with.
  18. genetics, and mineral deficiencies.
  19. any particular rasbora? in general the two species should be okay together.
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