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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. it depends how/where the weight is loaded. you can support just the ends, or just the sides, but as shown in your pics just supported in the middle puts forces on the tank that can cause the joints to fail.
  2. not level to a minor degree is not a huge deal, however the surface the tank sits on needs to be flat. you can shim up the base to get it more level. big dip or sag on the top that the tank will sit on, for me is a deal killer. i would not use a stand where the top surface the tank sits on is not flat. a few thousands one way or the other isnt huge, but an 1/8" dip in the middle, imo the tank will eventually fail due to that.
  3. you can use salt, or not use it in normal use, but if the guppies came from heavily salted water, they need to be weened off of it.
  4. they were likely raised with some salt in their water.
  5. get your plants in, and start with a fish or 2. dont go crazy.
  6. best i can say is i would unplug and dump out the HOB, and worry about it when i got back. you are very lightly stocked, and it can go many days if it has to with no air or filtration. when the power comes back on, have the neighbor feed lightly once or twice a week.
  7. on and off over the years ive had tanks in the bedroom. its not too weird.
  8. bass are predators, they like their food moving.
  9. 2 thoughts, is the check valve the correct way? 2nd, its possible the dealie on top of the new sponge filters is messed up, as the ac air pumps can move a good volume of air. to check the pump, unhook the line and hold it under water or stick it on an air stone.
  10. 99.9% of the time, i should stick to the radio.
  11. sponge into the end of the syphon hose is a genius idea.
  12. i cant speak in all cases, but ive finally gotten a bunch of them to hatch out. red cherry shrimp , babies are all clear/whiteish in the zero to one week old range.
  13. i cant even imagine... i struggle badly with 6 strings.
  14. ive never been hit by a cory, but id imagine its like getting nailed by a bullhead, and those are not pleasant in the least.
  15. i use my eyeball. lightly stocked= not enough fish to be interesting to me, moderately stocked is a good number with not too much maintenance. highly stocked= a whole bunch of fish starting to look slightly crowded, but most importantly beginning to be more maintenance than i want to do.
  16. mulm is great, and one can simply gravel vac over the surface, and do a deep gravel vac just around the parts of the tank you can see. that way one can have some mulm in the substrate for the plants, and not have to look at it in the gravel.
  17. leaf zone is chelated iron. any more specific i cant tell ya.
  18. easy iron, or leaf zone would be the simplest.
  19. its probably calcium and other minerals, water dissolves very easy.
  20. as long is it is actually running in the tank.
  21. a tank that has been dried out a week or two, or more, 99.99999% of any pathogen that may have been in it is dead. if it were me, warm water, and a little vinegar would be as aggressive as id go for cleaning. with me, fish tanks, and bleach dont go together.
  22. no bacteria wont stay alive just because you leave it running. bacteria must be fed, as they are a living organism.
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