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  1. We use frozen cyclops in our frozen mix that we give every other day. We use baby brine, cyclops, daphnia, spirolina brine, and mini bloodworms. It seems to keep everyone happy and we get a lot of spawning.
  2. I love a particular cryptocoryne wendtii which is actually the first plant I bought when we got back into freshwater two years ago. I've split it many times, and have one piece that grows out of some driftwood and just looks incredible in our 125. Please excuse the pic, it was a quick one. We've also had some great results with our tiger lotus and lace plants and our African fern bolbitis has been doing incredible and I really like way it looks.
  3. We always have fry food around, we got three of the bottles and just refill them. I also find myself getting intake sponges often. I like to use the mediums over the end of a piece of tubing I cut from an extra python to use as a fast siphon hose when water changing. I also have a couple extra larges that I use to just switch out the for three canister intakes we have. I don't worry about them for the BB, so I can take them out and clean them more carefully between uses.
  4. Okay everyone, it's time for everyone's favorite new game show, "Meet Its Potential!" where we work together to make sure a great piece of aquarium equipment or decor gets used to the fullest potential! (studio crowd cheering). Anywho, I recently picked up this outstanding cholla shilelagh, which my wife said I can't use to club anyone, and I'm trying to decide how I should use it. It's 36" long and goes from 2 1/2" to 3 1/2" in diameter. I'm mainly thinking of ways my neocardinia shrimp and my wood loving plecos (clowns and L397) would like it. I'm considering cutting to maybe 6" lengths and drilling out the center more to use as a cave, or potentially cutting it down the length for halves or quarters and either putting java moss/subwassertang on it or dipping it in repashy periodically. Any thoughts on those ideas or do you have better thoughts to consider? Thanks!
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