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  1. Thank you for the reply! 🐠 When adding one species in at a time, is it fair to wait a couple weeks in between adding species, or should there be more time in between new additions?
  2. Hey everyone, Looking for information on how many fish can be added to a community tank at one time. My understanding is not to add so much that you overwhelm the bio load. We have a 29g planted tank and are hoping to add 6 corys, one pleco and a snail or two. Should we do this in stages? Thank you 🐠
  3. No medications. This tank has been up for about three weeks after being cycled. We have used plant fertilizer and water conditioner only.
  4. Hello all, I am new here and this is my first ever forum post. Looking for information on these bubbles here, they started hanging around a day or so after installing our sponge filter. It’s been a week and there has been no change with the bubbles. This is a 29g tank, currently only stocked with plants and 6 guppies. Previous water test have come back okay, with a slightly elevated water hardness. I’ve read about elevated protein levels in the water that can cause this, and to do frequent water changes until resolved. Is this true? TYIA for any recommendations/help.
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