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  1. They just won’t stop moving since yesterday. I know there is plenty of biofilm since the tank is set up for a long time and has driftwood as well
  2. So I just got some new Cherry shrimp shrimp from Aqua huna , I did a six hour acclamation yesterday and set them free in a 20 gallon tank that has been set up for several months without anything in it besides nails and sponge filters and plants. After letting the shrimp go they look pretty good overall except it’s kind of strange that they seem to never stop swimming. It’s kind of entertaining, but they are ignoring the food that I put in that my other shrimp tank shrimp go crazy for, so I’m not sure that this is a bad thing or not. It’s been 24 hours and I just keep swimming around, so I’m afraid they’re going to tire out without eating Does anyone think this is a problem?
  3. I’ve had a red tiger lotus growing nicely for about a year in eco-complete substrate with root tabs. Overtime recently I’ve noticed that it is not making very many new leaves, and there seems to be a ball on top of the substrate. It looks a little bit like it is forming a new bulb. Anyone seen this before? How do I get it to make more leaves again? kind of hard to see in this photo, but you can see this thing that looks may be like a Macademia nut on top of the gravel in between a couple Java fern leaves
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