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  1. That's what I was thinking too. Maybe a deficiency in nutrients or something. She acted like his tank wasn't that small, but it does make me wonder...
  2. Hi! So, I've taken in a coworker's goldfish who was getting too big for his tank. I built a 150 gallon "pond" for my current common goldfish, Obie, who is about 7 inches long, so I figured I could try homing them together. Right now, the new fish, Jonathan, is in a 20 gallon quarantine tub with an established sponge filter. He's been in there a week, no ammonia, no nitrites, low nitrates. I went ahead and gave him a part of the quarantine trio to make sure he's all good. Behavior-wise, he's a little shy but he's gotten more outgoing with time. So, my question is: Does anyone know what's wrong with his fins? He was given to me with these weirdly crimped fins and tail, like it's been folded at some point. I've looked around online and I can't find anything like this. Here's a video I made of him as well: Thanks for your help!
  3. Hi everyone! So, I'm new to keeping guppies. I just started this year, back in May, and so I'm learning a lot! I have two female guppies sharing a planted long 20 gallon tank with platys and they've been popping out fry like no tomorrow. I've been putting the juvenile fry in a separate tank, but, as usually with guppies, I keep getting more! So, my question. My female mother guppies are HUGE. They are easily three times the size of the boy guppies and bigger than even the platys. Is this normal? Pictured here is the biggest mom (ready to pop with fry, of course): Should I be concerned? I'm sure I'm feeding too much (always trying to feed the fry), and I hear guppies can chest-burst from overfeeding, but I don't know if I'm being overly worried. I'm trying to cut back on the feeding (while also making sure everyone is fed!) Thanks!
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