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Everything posted by H.K.Luterman

  1. This thread is inspiring! I do have some window sill space... hmmm.
  2. Lookin' good! I love jungle tanks. Your moss looks very happy. :3
  3. Currently mine is as follows: 8am-ish feeding Featherfin Catfish gets Repashy Soilent Green / maybe twice a week some Sinking Carnivore Pellets Livebearers and Bettas get Fluval Bug Bite flakes All Senegal bichirs and Ctenopoma get thawed tilapia soaked in Vitachem / maybe twice a week Sinking Carnivore Pellets 5pm feeding Livebearers and Bettas get Xtreme Sinking Nano Pellets, Featherfin cleans up Peapuffer gets a few snails Baby Senegal bichir in the quarantine tank (growing out) gets tilapia (they get fed twice a day) Every other day I'll put some food in my snail tank. Once a week, typically Sunday everyone gets a fasting day. Once a week (on the weekend) quarantine gets a 1/3 water change. Every other week the 40 breeder and the 75 gal get 1/3 water changes on the weekend. The other tanks (29 gal, three 5 gallons) get top offs, changing water only when I feel like tidying them up. During summer months I'll catch mosquito larvae once every few weeks for puffer and betta treats.
  4. My main tanks are very stable, and I've never had any issues with them (I don't really ever have to do water changes much). It's when I bring something home from the store that I encounter problems, but that's kept to my quarantine bin. It's almost always Ich, though once some guppies I ordered online came in with a bacterial infection that I cleared up pretty easily. I really don't buy new fish often though, so most of the time its very same ol' same ol' round here. X3
  5. Very nice! Love the large variety of plants you have. Also putting the moss arch up on other decor was a neat idea!
  6. I'd think it would work for all lilies. You can always just try and see what happens. They send up pads so regularly that if you trimmed them off I doubt it would hurt it.
  7. I have a lone one in a 5 gal, but I've often wondered if he'd be happier in my 29 gal guppy tank. There's a bajillion snails he could eat and tons of nooks and crannies he could explore. I just wasn't sure if he'd get along with the guppies.
  8. I'm not an expert by ANY means, but your Kh seems a little low. Have you tried adding anything to your water to help buffer it? Typically a good solution is adding a little mesh bag or crushed coral into your filter. Buffering your Kh will keep your Ph from moving around. I would keep monitoring your cycle every day for the next few days, and do water changes if any ammonia/nitrite is present. See if that helps the symptoms.
  9. Does your PH normally move around? Have you checked your KH and GH levels? I would first make sure everything is ok with your cycle/water chemistry before treating with more meds.
  10. She looks either really constipated or really eggy. I would try fasting and then feeding daphnia (it helps move stuff along). If that doesn't work she could be egg-bound. I have no experience with that but there's a lot of betta keepers on this forum who may be able to help out. Because there's no pine coning I don't think it's dropsy.
  11. It's odd your PH would swing like that. Has there been any new changes to the aquarium? New decor? New equipment?
  12. Lovely lily! If you keep the pads trimmed off at the base (the leaves floating at the top) it'll get even bushier. Here's mine: But the pads are really neat too. Also, try not to worry too much about others opinions on what fish you decide to keep. It's your hobby, enjoy it how you like. It's all a learning and growing experience and I'm sure you provide your pets with the best life possible.
  13. Your tank looks great! It's only going to get better and better as the plants grow in. Love the little scuba guy. :3
  14. I just know that ever since I got back into aquariums a few years ago, I always make a bee line for any freshwater exhibits in aquariums and zoos. I enjoy that I can identify so many of the species now, including the various plants. I don't remember where I was, maybe it was the Tennesee Aquarium, but they had Mbu puffers and I was like "Yaaaay it's Murphy!"
  15. Collecting native species is something I'd really love to get into, if I ever have the tank space. Looks like I'm located right in a hot spot here in northern Alabama!
  16. Really nice! Looks like you'll have babies coming very soon!
  17. I don't know. I think the round shape is cute, but as already stated, the risk of health problems really turns me off from them. If they were bred to be just as healthy as regular fish, I'd be all for them.
  18. I try to visit the Georgia Aquarium anytime we take a trip to Atlanta (about 4 hrs from us). It's definitely one of my all time favorites. Got to watch the whale sharks get fed on one of our last visits. I really like the Tennessee Aquarium as well. It's definitely worth the trip if anyone visits Chattanooga.
  19. I'm all about the Featherfins. If you keep them on lighter substrate they'll be a bit more contrasty with their spots than Pooka is. Not colorful, but very cool looking in my opinion.
  20. Her main diet is Soilent Green by Repashy so if she gets any veggie cravings, that takes care of it. XD She does snack on the baby livebearers, but there's so many rocks in there with lots of hidey spaces, some do make it.
  21. Yup, they work very good for that. Though be sure to get the right size magfloat for your glass thickness. I try to use the one for my 40 gal on my 75 and it doesn't work so well. X3
  22. I've never kept these, but your topic reminded me of Primetime Aquatics recent video on their favorite "personality" fish, and mentioned Midas Cichlids being like water dogs. Here's the video, started at that part.
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