I went I got myself 13 Neon Tetras at my LFS last Friday (the 11th). I placed them in a quarantine tank made of a 35L clear tote (about 9 gal. US) with a small heater I had and a sponge filter that I placed in my main tank for about a week. I floated the bag about 20 minutes, then added 1 cup of tank water, followed by a second one 10 minutes later. After an other 10 or so minutes, I emptied the bag in my net over a bucket before adding the fish to their temporary home. They seemed to settle quite nicely. After about 30 minutes I fed them some frozen baby brine shrimp. Fed them again some BugBites about 30 min. before lights out. From there I will feed BugBites and frozen baby brine shrimp once per day, alternatively.
The day prior of, and the day of, I also dosed Seachem Stability to my quarantine tote to help establish the biological filter. I also do daily water checks and water changes accordingly to keep water quality up.
Since I do not have access to meds, I am doing a salt based preventative treatment for my fish. I added 0,1% by volume aquarium salt midday and an other 0.1% salt next morning, for a total of 0.2% salt by volume. That is somewhere in between 1 tbsp. salt/ 3 gal. US and 1 tbsp./ 2 gal. US. I split the doses so it would be less of a shock for the fish. If all goes well, I plan to let them sit in the salt solution for 10 days. From my research, I will then do some water changes to get rid of the salt before feeding granules soaked in a 3% Epsom salt solution. Doing this for 5 days should get rid of internal parasites.
I also bought some water wisteria for my main tank to add to the background. I felt like something was missing. Hopefully it is going to grow and fill in fast enough. I did have to relocate one of what I believe are Cryptocorynes and I must say that I am surprised at how much roots have already grown. This brings me to my next point. @Cory if you have a chance (and I know things are moving slower with Covid and that you are very busy) please add Root Tabs to the list of products available in Canada. The ones we have access here, or at least that I found, are crazy expensive, plus I would like to support the Coop!
If any one has tips, warnings or suggestions about this please let me know.