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  1. Thanks, That explains why my java moss is doing so well in my desk tank with no heater. I'll bring the temp and light down. Do you have any recommendations for ferts? I'm in Canada so don't have access to Easy green. Thanks for the additional info. I'm aware of the risk I'm taking with the angel and embers. I'm hoping that having a decent size school and introducing them when it's very young that it will be fine. I plan to keep a close eye on it and I have another tank I can move them too if it doesn't work. I can always look at getting some Beckford pencilfish or a larger tetra.
  2. I dose 5 ml of seachem flourish on Tuesdays and 3 ml Saturdays.
  3. My Java Fern and Vallisneria are dying back but my Cryptocoryn and Annubius have healthy new growth. I can't figure out what's wrong. Does anyone have a hypothesis? I have a 25 gallon tank - approximately 24" x 12" x 20" with the following: Light: Fluval Aquasky full brightness for 12 hours, 1.5 hour sun rise and sun set on either side. Substrate: Caribsea eco-complete bottom layer 1 year old from previous tank build, covered with Topfin aquarium gravel and Fluval stratum build up behind the stone. Hardscape: seiryu stone & congo wood Plants: Vallisneriavall, Java fern, Java moss, Cryptocoryn, Annubius, Echinodorus Reni, Nymphoides hydrophylla 'Taiwan', and Limnobium laevigatum Livestock: 1 Siamese algae eater, 1 bristle nose pleco, 3 pepper coys, 14 ember tetras, 1 juvenile angelfish, 2 amano shrimp, 3 nerite snails Readings: Temp: 82 PH: 7.2 , Ammonia: 0 ppm, Nitrite: 0 ppm, Nitrate: 10 ppm, GH: 75 ppm, KH: 120 ppm Some of my plants are doing really well, mainly my annubius and cryptocoyn, but others are struggling. My javafern are turning black and melting back, and the Val is staying very short. Java moss is turning brown and dying. I dose 5 ml of seachem flourish on Tuesdays and 3 ml Saturdays. I'm getting a lot of green spot algae on the back and sides of the aquarium. My best guess is that either the photo period is too long or that I'm missing a nutrient for the plants....maybe someone has a solution that has worked in the past or knows where my blind spot is?
  4. Thanks Cory, is there a maximum amount of time that you would use the salt treatment, or just until they are no longer showing symptoms?
  5. Hi Everyone, I have a 25 gallon tank of guppies with red cherry shrimp and a pair of L471 plecos. It's planted with Java fern, Cryptocoryne undulatus 'Red', Anubais Minima, a red flame sword that is struggling, amazon frogbit, and java moss. I used local granite as the hardscape. I have an aqua sky 2.0 light on it and am dosing about a third of a cap of Seachem flourish weekly along with tropica root tabs occasionally. The tank was set up at my last apartment for 6 months before I moved. It's now been set up for a month and I've noticed a few of my guppies are aggressively brushing against plants and sometimes substrate. I've lost 2 males in the last 3 months to fin rot. I quarantined each of them and treated with salt (1 tbsp/3 gallons). They each died the first week in quarantine. I assume I acted to late. While watching my tank this week I noticed one guppy that was brushing had some lighter spots on her. I dosed the entire tank salt last Saturday (1 tbsp/2 gallons) and performed a 30% water change yesterday. I've included pictures of the tank below and 2 photos of the female guppy that has the lighter spots. I'm in Canada so I don't have access to any meds without vet prescription. I'm looking to identify potential problems and determine next steps. Thank you. Water Parameters: pH 7.4 Nitrates 40 Hardness GH: unknown Nitrite 0 Ammonia 0 KH/Buffer 4 Water Temperature 79
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