My Java Fern and Vallisneria are dying back but my Cryptocoryn and Annubius have healthy new growth. I can't figure out what's wrong. Does anyone have a hypothesis?
I have a 25 gallon tank - approximately 24" x 12" x 20" with the following:
Light: Fluval Aquasky full brightness for 12 hours, 1.5 hour sun rise and sun set on either side.
Substrate: Caribsea eco-complete bottom layer 1 year old from previous tank build, covered with Topfin aquarium gravel and Fluval stratum build up behind the stone.
Hardscape: seiryu stone & congo wood
Plants: Vallisneriavall, Java fern, Java moss, Cryptocoryn, Annubius, Echinodorus Reni, Nymphoides hydrophylla 'Taiwan', and Limnobium laevigatum
Livestock: 1 Siamese algae eater, 1 bristle nose pleco, 3 pepper coys, 14 ember tetras, 1 juvenile angelfish, 2 amano shrimp, 3 nerite snails
Readings: Temp: 82 PH: 7.2 , Ammonia: 0 ppm, Nitrite: 0 ppm, Nitrate: 10 ppm, GH: 75 ppm, KH: 120 ppm
Some of my plants are doing really well, mainly my annubius and cryptocoyn, but others are struggling. My javafern are turning black and melting back, and the Val is staying very short. Java moss is turning brown and dying. I dose 5 ml of seachem flourish on Tuesdays and 3 ml Saturdays. I'm getting a lot of green spot algae on the back and sides of the aquarium.
My best guess is that either the photo period is too long or that I'm missing a nutrient for the plants....maybe someone has a solution that has worked in the past or knows where my blind spot is?