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Fish finatic45

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  1. What are your experiences buying aquarium plants and fish from aqua bid , Dan’s fish, Amazon.com?
  2. I just want to get ideas for plants people like to grow in their tanks. Tips? Ideas? Remember the forum guidelines. Enjoy the conversation!
  3. @MWilk @CoryWithAKatana I appreciate your guy’s help. I will take your advice into consideration.
  4. I tried Amazon sword it rotted and died. I also tried moss and it died. I have kept one plant alive and am getting some floating plants which may be my best bet. This is the stone/gravel that I have.
  5. Hello. I have a 10 gallon aquarium with big river rock substrate that doesn’t have any fertilizer already in it. Does anyone know what I should do to provide nutrients to my plants? Also does anyone have any experience growing in big river rock? Because I have trouble with getting plants to take root in it and was wondering if I should take the river rock out and put gravel underneath of it? Help!
  6. @Scaperoot I usually fast my fish once a week that way the ammonia levels will not get too high and my fish survive. That’s my experience. I would also would recommend that you look online too about whatever your fish species are and see what other people have to say on this topic on this forum.
  7. @LennieI agree! Go fishless on any tank to start out with and use “bottled “ bacteria or used sponge filter It’s the best way to start a tank without using a fish to start a tank.
  8. Yes. Exactly! Experimenting is what makes the hobby fun and I encourage everyone to try new things with their tanks. Even the newbie’s know that!🤣
  9. I’m fairly new to the hobby. When I started my tank I just used the bottled bacteria so I could quickly cycle my tank and it worked. Everyone has their own way of doing things and I was just trying to give you some helpful advice. Have fun with the tank @rydin4life
  10. I would highly disagree. It’s better to use “bottled “ bacteria than to sacrifice fish. when I first started I used the “ bottled “ bacteria and my fish survived. My suggestion is to do your own research and do what is right for you @rydin4life.
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