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  1. Thanks for the reply! I have blue, red, yellow, red/white striped Neocaridina shrimps and also 3 Amanos. They seem to get along but maybe the mix is too much? They do play around and seem more active after I turned the lights down to the 25% line a week or so ago. Does "cold white" count as a blue source? Otherwise pure blue is at 4 %. Regarding the algae, there are a few small green spots on the glass that I can see and they're visible only when very close. If you mean the bigger green brownish spot close to the floor of the center front of the tank it's a piece of moss that's coming out tomorrow. I'll attach a closer picture of it below. The only plant that's still a little bit of a worry is the Cryptocoryne spec. 'Flamingo' (the pink plant) that seems very sensitive to light. It's the second time I'm trying to get that one to survive. The first time it just melted. Since I changed the settings to the present ones it seems to like it a bit more. The rest of the plants seem healthier than 2-3 weeks ago. Best regards!
  2. Hello there! I'm new and have been reading here alot lately. Right now I've got a fresh water aquarium and I've probably done every mistake there is so far... or could it just be the beginning of a few more 😉 I have a question. I've got a 30 liter (8 gallon) tank with a serious amount of plants. I do like having alot of plants and my tenants (shrimps, 3 small fish, snails) seem to like it. I started out with a fixed intensity LED light that went full blast 100% until I recently got a Fluval Plant 3.0 and I've gradually been lowering the light intensity. I'm a little afraid of going too low because of all the plants. I've got liquid carbon supplement if needed. The tank is about 2 months old and I haven't got a problem with algae or animals showing distress. Water levels are fine. Should I increase the light somewhat even though it's a very small tank? Maybe doing the "double siesta" with slightly higher light intensity? I'll attach a few pictures so it's more obvious what I'm talking about. Sorry for my English, it's not my first language. Thanks for all the tips earlier in the thread btw! Very much appreciated.
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