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GPounda last won the day on August 2

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  1. Thanks. You're on speed dial!!! 😄
  2. I will read the post, just don't have the time to create a profile at the moment. So the CO2 enters the tank through your spray bar? If I put the spray bar at the center back of the 72" would that be sufficient for the entire tank - both for CO2 and circulation??
  3. @Pepere, so in this scenario, if I'm understanding properly, the lily would be towards the bottom of the tank, or is it towards the top and relying on the spray bar to push it down towards the plants? With on canister, where is the second outflow source coming from? One for the lily pipes, one for the spray bar?
  4. In general, is it more efficient to use a CO2 diffuser, or link the CO2 through your Canister filter output tube? also, if the diffuser, is the size of the diffuser related to the size of the tank, or is one size for all?
  5. Hi are the Easy Plant LED lights linkable like the Hygger? I have a 72"x18.5"x23" 125 gallon and I'm trying to figure out the best way to get the proper amount of light. The description for the light on the shop page recommends 2 or 4 36" lights. Thank you for everything you are doing for the fish community!!! I'm recently hooked (pun intended,) and am finding out so much from such friendly like minded people - that's on you!!! 😄 Please disregard, I found the answer
  6. Good morning, Is there a comparative chart for aquarium plants available somewhere? Ideally one that shows what sort of light it requires, nutrition requirements, natural habitat, if there is a bloom, etc? Thank you, John
  7. Finger's crossed - I'll keep you posted on the progress
  8. it's a 72" 125 Gallon. Thank you for your opinion.
  9. What would you recommend for Rainbow fish?
  10. Good morning, Today's question is about Lily pipes. I see the videos and they look amazing, but are typically seen for small tanks. If attached to a canister, will they provide sufficient circulation for larger tanks as well? Thanks. 🙂 John
  11. WOW, how many different plants are in there? I'm assuming you have a CO2 system?
  12. Okay, but HOW? Is there a minimum spacing like when gardening?
  13. Hi!! I'm setting up a 125 g low-current riverbed tank for Rainbows. Is there a formula for determining how many plants you should order? Thanks, John
  14. Oh YEAH!!! So do I still have too many fish for the tank?
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