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Julie Monday

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  1. Is it NOT bad? I found a larger one in my established and populated 20L (it was an amazing and graceful thing that I took out entirely, not breaking it up) and again today a small one on the glass. I have fish and shrimp. Lots of live plants and snails. The pests I don't mind are snails and detritus worms. Pests that freak me out - everything else. I don't hate hydras after reading https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/hydra , but I have a lifelong cringe because of reading Hans Christian Andersen's "The Little Mermaid". The polyps were monsters and I equate them with hydra! I grew up with the book, not the video, and it affected me this much lol
  2. Are these especially loved by snails? I received some in an assortment of botanicals. They seem especially delicate and prone to breaking down, but also the (pest/bladder) snails were all over it right away. I have shrimp and otocinclus in that aquarium, which I really wanted to use it, but the snails annihilated it. I don't want to get rid of the snails.
  3. I remember my mom doing that! She kept a 29 gallon with several species and crushed the teeny snails. My fish are just the little rasbora types so have little mouths, and don't graze at all so I can't trust them to take part in free food! That is to say, they are a little dumb about feeding
  4. I'm going to add zucchini tonight and I also usually keep cucumbers :) I do use wonder shells. And in early May I added about 1/4c crushed coral in a little bag in the HOB.. I think this aquarium needs more of that. Okay. I feel a little better about feeding them. Thank you all :)
  5. Nice!! I put blanched zucchini on a fork in the big tank for the otos. Will do for the other aquarium :) Thank you!!
  6. In the interest of preserving aquarium space, I'd recommend a little Marina brand HOB. The "up to 10 gallon" model. It's slim, and has an adjustable flow, and also has a submerged pump with a big plus of not failing after a power outage (for instance). You can add whatever filter media you like, but bulky media (like in a bag) might not fit. This is my favorite filter for really small aquariums that need a HOB. I use these for my smaller aquariums and have never been let down. Also, if you order from Am***n, get the cheaper one. I don't know why the other option is so much more expensive. Just get the cheaper one. They all come with an insert.
  7. I don't have a problem! Just questions about Neocaridina. I'm a fish keeper. Never done pretty little shrimp until this April - only Amanos as functionaries. I have had a good experience so far with what I have purchased for this aquarium, having no experience with neo shrimp. History - set up the aquarium in April and cycled with plants. Plants are doing well. Ordered online and got a batch of 5 (5 plus 1 or two) and I think babies were in the bag because they have either multiplied very quickly or there were babies in the batch. Any of the ways....I have a s-load of shrimp (15+) in 45 days after introduction. These are nothing special - they are a neocaridina color mix. I've seen a few molted exos. My question - how much and often do I feed more shrimp that i thought I'd have, and also, is there some fresh veg or something they'd like? I'm happy to purchase what I don't have. I've been providing botanicals, feeding regular flake, nano pellets, and crushed up Bug Bites (for fish in my other aquarium), . Is there maybe a standard nutrient balance that you guys have used? I'm not interested in breeding (though it's probably gonna happen). I just want to get these guys in good condition and color (orange, red, blue). Included here is their aquarium, but you obviously can't see them.
  8. Yes, I agree with all of the above. I had angels in a taller tank which was very satisfying, but only for them. I had to set up a 55 (48") for barbs, tetras, danios ,and rainbows, who all need back and forth space. Interesting oddball fish experience I had - I had a hexagonal aquarium (60 gal or so) with a Ctenopoma. It's a moderately sized fish, but doesn't need lateral space. But then, I couldn't keep much with him (her).
  9. I have a very healthy bladder snail population in a 20L, and, as much as I hate to do it, I have to cull. The best two things that attract them in a group so far is blanched zucchini and dried mulberry leaves. This aquarium was established in March with live plants (thus snails) and with fish in late April. I bought the mulberry leaves in a collection of dried botanicals. Just added one yesterday. The snails have annihilated it already. I know it was them because I saw them. I could have taken it out this morning, but I didn't. I'll do it sometime, probably tomorrow after I add another one. The first is totally gone already. I add a blanched slice of fresh zucchini on a fork for my otocinclus (obtained in mid May) every other day and leave it overnight (who fortunately have finally found it) and in the morning it is rife with little snails. I've culled via zucchini once. I honestly hate doing it, but my aquarium is so nutritious that my initial population has exceeded my wants. I definitely don't want *no* snails! But I provide such good food for the shrimp, otos, and fish that I have to cull now. I feel so bad about it. I know many of you know what I mean. Someone will say "give the to a store or other hobbyist" but I am in a small town in the middle of an aquarium store desert with little interest as far as I know. I'd consider getting an assassin snail, but then what? I can't have botias because it's just a 20 gallon. Such is the life and angst of an aquarium keeper :/ On the plus side - I have a thriving otocinclus group of 6 - and I want more now - when I was SO worried about having them since my past experience with them made me wary, thinking they were delicate. They may be, but mine love all the stuff on the glass, and the wood, and the plants (all live) and again, the zucchini!! Their bellies are so round lol My best successes so far are the otos and the plants. I can't take credit for the snails - they are invincible.
  10. I've been in this for decades and definitely don't know everything. There is always something new! Disease treatment, tank-raised aquatic life, and hardware. I've watched Co-ops videos for at least a year because it was a good substitute for the real thing. Then I set up for real again and started ordering plants and equipment. I hadn't had any aquariums since 2019 when I moved. Now I have a couple little thingies with some little fishies. I'm succumbing to the MTS, gladly. Pictures and videos are from over a month ago. and my doggy.
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