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  1. Thank you! Yeah, def tough. Thank you both for the help along the way!
  2. Unfortunately he passed away in the night. Thank you for all of the help - I must not have noticed he was sick soon enough
  3. Perfect, will do! Thanks so much!!
  4. I dosed the salt last night and administered Kanaplex today. When should I expect to see improvement and do you recommend administering second dose in two days per instructions or wait and see how he is doing? When should I try feeding him? Thank you!!!
  5. Perfect, gonna do just that then! Thank you will let you know how everything goes
  6. Oh gotcha, okay, I'm on it! Thank you again!! sorry, should I put him back in normal tank and cure the whole thing? Snail and plants in there right now while he is in QT. Thank you!
  7. Thank you so much for the response! I had shined a light on him two nights ago and just couldn't tell if the gold along his spine and face was part of his natural coloring or if it could be velvet so I decided to proceed with the H202 just in case. Would the H202 have helped with any of the other potential bacterial issues he could be suffering with? It has been overnight a little less than 24 hrs so the H202 has likely broken down by now - he is still not eating and lethargic but is not clamping his fins close. Still going to surface and having a hard time getting a breath in it seems. On a different forum, a user thought maybe osmoregulatory problems due to my KH/GH being low in main tank for so long. What are your thoughts on that? It typically sits around 40ppm KH and 30ppm GH if I am remembering correctly. Thank you! Will look into the medicines you suggested!
  8. Have had betta for over a month now, purchased from Petco. He typically lives in cycled 5 gallon tank with 1 nerite snail & excellent/steady water parameters. Weekly water changes, heater, sponge filter, plants. Weekly water testing using API strips and ammonia kit. He is currently in emergency tank 2.5 gallon with 1 gallon of distilled water - I initially started with salt per aquarium coops usage instructions and then I moved him to second emergency tank with <50 ppm hydrogen peroxide overnight. Emergency tank parameters as follows: Temp - 78.6 F Nitrate - 0 Nitrite - 0 PH - 6.5 KH - 0 GH - 15 ammonia - 0 I initially thought he may have velvet due to some of the coloring he has but now I am wondering if this is Columnaris? Pics attached, there is a white spot above eye that I had always thought was his coloring but now that he is sick I am wondering if this is actually a sign of the disease. His symptoms are as follows: - underwater labored breathing started a week or so ago but I did not think anything of it since this is my first fish and the whole process is new to me - hindsight 2020 - about 4 days ago he went from loving food to not eating anything - two days ago he went from being active all the time to extreme lethargy - laying in his hut (on his side sometimes) all day long, now he is just floating toward the surface with his nose at the surface. I noticed a couple times him flashing around his tank erratically and rubbing on stuff but he is mostly just lethargic - when he goes to take a surface breath out of water he clearly struggles a lot like he is gasping multiple times and just can't catch a breath, over and over again My guy is dying and there are no fish vets around here - have done so much research, but I still don't have the knowledge to help him it seems. Thinking I should order Seachem Kanaplex & Jungle Fungus Clear Tabs overnight from Amazon in hopes that if it is Columnaris it would help. Feel like I have already put him through so much stress trying to help him though so any insight would be so appreciated. Thank you!
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