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  1. Hello, I just took my water parameters after the tank has been cycling since my first post here. And I’m a little panicked / think something is wrong. Ammonia is reading at a very faint 0.5, kind of looked like it was at 0 but again faintly a 0.5. Nitrite read bright pink at an 10ppm and Nitrate read at an 80ppm. pH 7.0 and then gh and kh have read the same and stayed stable. Should I do a water change? Is this just the normal cycle progression. And also here’s an updated picture of the tank all settled down and clear, my driftwood is growing what I think is biofilm/ bacteria from what I’ve read. Thank you! (Don’t mind the tie job on the Java moss)
  2. Hey everyone. Just a little update and check in I know it hasn’t been long. My ammonia is reading 0.5mg/L. Nitrite is reading 1mg/L and nitrate is reading at about 20-30ish mg/L. I know I still have a while, but I just wanted to see if that’s headed in the right direction? GH and KH are still the same and pH is between 7.0-7.5.
  3. Thank you again, I do have it burried but I will attach it to my piece of driftwood. Other than that I’ll just let it cycle and keep an eye on the nitrate cycle.
  4. Thank you so much. From yesterday to today all the parameters are the same. I added more plants and I’ll try to attach a picture. But I got dwarf hair grass in the foreground, a Java fern in the middle as well as a Java moss coconut bridge and then an Amazon sword in the background. I still have the driftwood in there as well as the moss balls and the unmarked shrimp plant from my pet store. I dosed my beneficial bacteria again as the bottle states on the instructions and have started ghost feeding as well. The tank is cloudy right now as I just added the new plants earlier today. There’s more of the plants you can’t see since it is cloudy and the driftwood is blocking it. A new question that popped up though, do I need to add fertilizer or CO2 for these plants?
  5. Yeah I’m definitely going to give it at least 4 weeks from what I’ve read. Let my plants really grow and flourish first. Luckily my local pet shop is family owned and all of their animals are from local breeders or just from them breeding in their tanks. I’m planning on getting Java moss and tie it to my drift wood as well as some hornwort but I’m not sure what else to add.
  6. Hello. I recently decided that I wanted to start up a neo tank. I got everything little by little and just set it up today. I added fluval plant and shrimp substrate, a piece of drift wood, two moss balls and a plant from my local pet store that they had in with their shrimp. I do plan on getting more plants soon. I used RO/DI water from the same local shop and added Seachem replenish as well as aquavitro bacteria seed. Now for my questions, my GH is 180, KH says 40ppm on one test strip but then 0mg/L on another, pH is 7.5, ammonia 0,nitrite and nitrate 0. Should I wait to add a softener or anything else to get the water parameters like GH lower? I’m doing a fishless/planted cycle and I’m having new shrimp mom anxiety that I messed up the water already. Does anyone have any tips? I did a bunch of research but now that I’m actually doing it, I think I’m psyching myself out.
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