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  1. @Cory Almost two weeks, figured they would be stagnant due to the new substrate, but got concerned when they started dying and some parts turning brown/black.
  2. I used 3 root tabs when I planted them, 2 were about 4-5 inches apart in the middle of the small group of Val I kept and the third was right under my Sword. Should I have put more? Also should I just go back to a more coarse substrate to save myself trouble? @Cory
  3. Thank you for the reply Cory! So I was in the middle of moving when I posted this initially. I had to take down the tank and when I set it up again I decided to switch to sand substrate instead of the black aquarium gravel I had, so I just kept the few tallest val that I had and the sword plant to clear out the mess of tiny Val runners I had going. I am going to give some time for the plants to adapt to the new substrate and will reach out if things do not change. I had the tank set up in the new house with the new sand for a little over a week, but I feel like my plants are getting worse (starting to blacken and look awful), could this be part of the adaptation period and I just need to let time do its thing? I am worried that the sand I got is too fine and the roots are not doing well for either plant (here is the sand I used https://www.amazon.com/Estes-28199-Aqua-Sand-White/dp/B002DRCTTS/ref=sr_1_2?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.GG039Bvn6o2PoIOzvnUFyskpdeAyOW2tXwrlxV6IgIJT8D2UAN1uwRjTuNPXO_T3pLYqpDil5JJgsgklLl02A8ILXzod-4Q88Qazs1aXf5ACqJShXeuxOvYo6FYW2lpU3mtelQ5Dry84qScUEtvPkiLqKJT6JEBRPVyvI4J33GZs4t5-lr4Yf9yN_f53gwi9IEicHmhVV8WohvCVifRrZTrao6g5kfb33Jv59Z9-PoUwh31WX63UYlM2bJrbBVOdcpanIllYUITBHn5rJldmWqXvZzXjG3UjFTTK7D1idBs.R_nBd2laYvDS_M-o_jZ2ft14z9PHFlYNTFmYJEttD0A&dib_tag=se&keywords=Stoney+river+aquarium+sand&qid=1715637411&s=pet-supplies&sr=1-2) I had a gourami that died due to iridovirus not long before I moved, so I figured it would be a good time to switch substrates before I restock. Let me know if I do need to change anything or if I just need to wait. TIA!
  4. I have to say the same as @anodyne99 I keep on the brightest setting when it is on for about 8-12 hrs a day. Had the light for almost a year and the initial val bunch I had did very well but after i had to move locations twice and I trimmed them once as well due to them reaching water line. Since then they grown a little but seemed to stagnant. Was thinking they just maybe needed time? I linked the light I have in the original post, so maybe you could tell if it’s considered high, moderate or low light? Is it also possible that I am just overthinking all the factors and simply just need to wait longer for them to take off? Thanks in advance
  5. I have a 10 gallon tank with Vallisneria and one amazon sword, I seem to struggle with the vallisneria not growing tall, though I get many runners, they stay pretty short. I use easy green liquid Fert and some root tabs that are not from ACO. I am starting to wonder if it is the light? I typically just turn the light on in the morning and turn it off at night before bed. I have this 18-24in Nicrew light from Amazon, do I need a better or different light? if its not the light can anyone offer some advice as to why I feel like my vallisneria is not growing well? TIA link to my current light https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08SCBLN8L/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1
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