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  1. Thanks! Yeah, I did see that as an option but wasn't sure how much it contributed to the success and how it worked. Maybe I can order some and see if that helps my little buddy out in keeping the bacterial infection at bay while he fully recovers.
  2. Thanks! Hopefully he doesn't feel too bad for long 🙂 He's not usually a lazy betta but he's been chilling on the gravel or my floating baby java ferns more since he's been sick
  3. I am just a bit concerned that it will kill all my plants while I am gone and I won't be around to clean them out so there isn't an ammonia spike Do you mean give him a few weeks after treating the full 3 doses with kanaplex to let him recover? Every dose is 2 days and so I am not sure if it is active in the water after those 2 days.
  4. Okay, so small update! Seems that kanaplex is somewhat working in that it is slowing the progress of the fin rot. I think I have seen a little bit more raggedy-ness in his fins since starting him on the anitbiotics, but I am not entirely sure. Here's him after one day of treatment: This is him after 3 days of treatment: If he is continuing to show more raggedy-ness in his tails after the 6 days of treatment, what do you think the next steps should be? I know antibiotics are hard on the fish kidneys so I don't want to stress him out too much and I'll need to be away soon... Thanks for the help!
  5. Kanaplex came in today, so fingers crossed!! Unfortunately, I have to be away for two weeks in a couple weeks, so I'm hoping I can get him on the mend before I go 😭
  6. @Tony s @Whitecloud09 Thanks, all! I am going to order some right away and hopefully it comes and helps my little boy out 🙂 I'll keep you guys posted
  7. Ah, I am just so used to people in the hobby shaming people for supporting PetSmart or Petco. I'm glad other people here get fish from them as well. I don't thnk I can get my hands on maracyn 2, do you think kanaplex (for gram negative bacteria) could be an alternative since maracyn (for gram positive bacteria) didn't help?
  8. I noticed my betta for sure had fin rot a week and a half ago. I had suspected he may have had fin rot a couple weeks before that but figured I was being paranoid. My betta fish is in an aquarium with the following specs: 5 gallon 50W heater that is preset (usually I find it's around 78 degrees) sponge filter water parameters ammonia = 0ppm nitrites = 0ppm nitrates = 5-10 ppm depending on when I decide to do a water change no tank mates Got him from PetSmart (I know, bad, but I saw him while I was picking up some supplies and fell in love) I have had him for almost a year and he just got fin rot. However, I have been noticing he has been having seizures every so often where his head thrashes for a second and then he quickly swims to the other side of the tank. I thought I had treated it with the med trio but when I was watching him while treating him for fin rot I noticed he is still having seizures. I tested the water thinking that I was just slacking on water changes too much, but the water parameters seemed fine to me. I gave him a week of maracyn treatment and the fin rot seemed to continue to progress. I don't have a picture from today but the top part of his caudal fin is starting to look like it is dying off. Does anyone have any ideas on how to treat him while he is in a planted tank? I also don't have a quarantine tank I can put him in... The best other option is put him in my water change bucket if I need to have a quarantine tank, but I don't have a spare filter or heater. I am also kind of tight on money right now so I am not sure how much I can spend on his treatment. Thanks in advance for the help!
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