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  1. Hello, I apologize for the newbie question, but I recently bought a Top Fin Shrimp and Plant Aquarium and attempted to grow plants in it. However, I encountered some issues with the gravel as my plants don't seem to be taking in nutrients (wild grass is turning yellow) I used pre-conditioned water and added pre-starter aquarium liquid from Top Fin every day for a week. I also squeezed the pre-existing water from the filter media of my previous tank into it (water parameters were good). To address the issue, I purchased the Active Beta Gravel from Aquarium CoOp. My plan is to remove my shrimp and fish into a bucket with the existing water, remove the tank water, save it, remove 2/3 of the existing gravel, add root tabs, add the active gravel, and use some of the old substrates as decor. Then, I will place the hardware materials back in the tank, plant the plants, put back the saved water, and add the shrimp and fish back again. I want to ensure that this process will not cause any issues with the shrimp and fish, especially since the shrimp are close to breeding. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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