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  1. I use general cure for parasite infection. 5 days after epsom salt in his tank, his colour is back and is more responsive and active. Bulge still there but seems to be smaller.
  2. Hello! I treated my fish 3 months ago for parasite infection. After treatment, poor fishy developed rectum prolapse. I treated with Epsom salt for 5 days / 15 mins. It worked well. However, recently my fish underwent another round of parasite treatment and became sick again. There is an abnormal bulge on one side of belly, it is always sitting at the bottom of the tank and have a weird gait. I've started epsom salt treatment level 2, 1tbsp per 2 gallons of water. Fish is swimming better and more reactive and does not stay at the bottom of the tank but the bulge is not going away. Is there anything else I need to do? Should I be concerned?
  3. Thank you so much for the advice!
  4. I just treated my fish for internal parasite (after seeing stringy white poop). It got better after first week of treatment as per API instructions (general cure). Appetite and colour returned. However, days after, there is a lump near the rectum. Is this parasite induced rectum prolapse? Should I continue the second cycle of general cure treatment or should I continue or stop or do salt bath? I
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