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  1. I noticed my goldfish has these white dots on his tail, shes behaving normally and eating. I read online its best to act fast, I do have ICH-X available but I feel a bit reluctant and I am not very familiar with this medicine, and choose to add aquarium salt 1tbsp per 2 gallons. Should I do a 80% water change to remove the salt and add the ich x ? @Colu Thanks!!
  2. Hi @Colu, I was using 1tbsp per 5 gallon, he was in a 10 gallon container. He doesn't move much and hasn't been eating in days, On 7/26 I started him on Seachem Polyguard out of desperation. Now those white things on his wen have turned dark, and I also see some darker coloration his side. It seems like there is wen degeneration around his eyes too. I added new pictures, please advise. 😞
  3. Is anyone able to tell if this is wen growth or fungal/bacteria? This ranchu usually moves around exploring the tank, for the past few days he mostly just stays mid tank without swimming around, mostly still in one spot. Has been eating normally, tank is fully cycled and water paremeters are normal. Thanks for your help. (I added aquarium salt to this tank 1 week ago)
  4. Hi! After losing one of my goldfish recently I decided to invest in a microscope. Is anyone able to identify this organism, is this something natural and harmless part of the water or a parasite/worm? I collected this sample from some white stool from one of my goldfish; at this time they are asymptomatic. But i am just concerned. Thank you!
  5. Hi everyone, I bought a 68 gallon rimless UNS 120s tank a couple months ago. I started noticing on the top right side of the tank that the corner was darker in color, also the water seems to be indented in that corner. Is the silicone failing? I can't remember if it came like that or not... I am not sure what to do, this tank is brand new, I am freaking out if this thing just suddendly bursts 😞 !
  6. Hi all, I bought a new tank last month and would like to grow an algae carpet. I watched a few videos online, it appears the type of algae that will grow will depend on the fish tank parameters and condition. I just noticed a few green dots on my tank walls, I think it is green spot algae. According to my research to have a algae carpet to grow the tank needs to have green water. Some people say I could buy green algae seeds to acelerate the process; I have been reading about algaes and it appears the carpet algae type is called Oedogonium? I could not find any live cultures for sale of this type, however I found on ebay a type of green algae called scenedesmus and also chlorella. Could I use these to create green water in the fish tank, I can't find information regarding toxicity in fish for the scenedesmus type. Does anyone have knowledge regarding this subject? Thank you!!!
  7. Hi, one of my black moors started to develop a white substance near the beggining of the tail, there is also one small circular white dot on the top fin. I noticed this about 4 days ago. He appears to be stressed, has been eating normally. Does't appear fuzzy in texture. Ph: 8.0 ammonia: 0.25, I have other 3 black moors in the tank, same age and they are fine. I did a 50% water change today and stopped the feeding. nitrate and nitrite at 0. 70 farenheit. Not sure what this could be, I recently treated one of the moors with kanaplex and salt. Not sure if I should quarantine him and start on kanaplex? I attached a few pictures, thank you in advance!
  8. @Colu He is doing great! Thank you! All the white areas are gone. So far so good, no clamped fins and he swimming around and eating just fine 🙂
  9. @Colu thank you for your help! I will give an update tomorrow, his appetite is improving.
  10. @Colu He opens and closes his mouth about 28 times in 10 seconds.
  11. @Colu Thank you taking the time to read my post! I keep the temperature at 68F, today I haven't see him at the surface or lethargic. He spent most of the day closer to the sand and mid level of the tank swimming around. Top fin is still clamped, I seen him trying to eat some pellets but he spits it out. No white stringy poop noted. I am not sure but I think one of the spots on the side is getting smaller, can't really tell. Tomorrow he is due for the 3rd dose of kanaplex and a 25% water change. I will reassess tomorrow after the last dose and daily. I was thinking doing a salt dip, I never done one before but I read it can be dangerous to young goldfish. I prefer not to stress him out by removing him out of the tank and putting him alone. Not sure yet, I read that salt can do wonders, but think i'll wait until the last dose of the kanaplex.
  12. When I turned on the lights, I saw him rub against the sand a couple times.
  13. Hi guys, I am new to the hobby, I am really excited to have gotten a couple of black moors goldfish on January 8th 2024. I used to own one when I was a kid, and now 25 years later, I decided to purchase a couple. Unfortunately, things haven't started good. I purchased a 55 gallon tank, educated myself on tank cycling, medications, etc, to the best I could, but ended up making mistakes. My set up includes a HOB filter, a sponge filter, and an extra airstone. I use Seachem prime, and I read that using Seachem Stability for the first 7 days, it is safe to add fish to the tank on the first day. I ran the tank for about a week before adding the 2 black moors, (got them from Petsmart and I think they are about 2 months old). I purchased an API test kit and tested everything before adding the fish on the first day. PH 7.8, ammonia 0, nitrate and nitrite 0. I made the mistake of having my HOB filter running at max flow and I had the LEDs on as well. Just 2 hours after placing the 2 black moors in the tank, they started to develop this white fuzzy material on their tail and fins. The next day they had a white slime covering their body, and their fins were frayed and seemed to be rotting away. One of the fish was just lethargic on the bottom barely moving and just gasping every 10 seconds. I went to a pet store and showed them a picture, the person said it was a bacterial infection and suggested a treatment of Kanaplex. After 2 rounds of treatment there was a significant improvement, the fish started swimming and I could see the white fuzz becoming less aparent. I completed the 3 final dose and they seemed alot better, and even started to eat. After, they had a white string fecal matter, and sometimes they would just 'flash' swim very fast for a second and slow down and I thought they had a parasite. I was suggested to put Metroplex on their food. They were okay and improving for almost 2 weeks, fins appeared to be regenerating. About a week ago I did a 80% water change, the day after the water change I noticed his top fin clamped. It has been 4 days and he spends most of the time at the top barely moving. I seen him with erratic movements against the glass and rubbing against when I turn on the LED. I read that flukes cause this. But I haven't seen him doing that again, he doesn't move around much. The physical sign that I see, is this white substance on the side, it started off in one side, and now its on both. I can't tell if its fuzzy, it doesn't appear to be. His fin is always clamped. I started another round of Kanaplex 2 days ago, and today I started the 2nd dose. I don't seen anything wrong with the water paremeters. The other fish appears normal so far... Sorry for the long text and for bad English (not first language). I created several accounts of websites and don't get much help. I have several medications at home, prazinquel, ich x, metroplex, kanaplex, aquarium salt, paraguard, polyguard. I really appreciate your assistance!!
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